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The best way to love others is to lead them to JESUS

Now that I am married, I have learned that the best way to love others especially my husband is not to change him but to accept him and help him become the best version of himself.

When I first met my husband online, I felt a profound sense of sympathy and understanding for him. The moment we first chatted online, I felt a great sense of appreciation and acceptance of who he is. I accepted him even though he said he is just poor and a disabled army veteran. I accepted him even if he is not so good in spelling because he has dyslexia. And I felt peace within me. I trusted him and I felt an immense willingness to be with him in spite of his shortcomings. By the way, he proposed marriage during our first chat online. I can’t believe he will do it because we haven’t met each other in person yet and we are still in the getting-to-know each other stage. But he trusted me too. I guess it was JESUS’ plan because I felt comfortable and happy chatting with him. He is a very respectful man.

Every day our relationship grows stronger. I don't know what pushes me to keep on appreciating him and encouraging him but this I know and believe that I can bring him back to the Lord since he told me that he has not been going to church for 20 years because he has an abusive wife. I believe firmly that I can lead him back JESUS because every time I talk about JESUS he showed interest. By the way, I met him online after seven months of being a born-again Christian.

So, in a Christian point of view, the best way to love others is not to change them but to accept them and help them become the best version of themselves by leading them to CHRIST and through the help of the Holy Spirit. In my marriage, I always ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and keep our marriage healthy and strong. I pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare my husband’s heart for the second coming of CHRIST. That he will be receptive to my teachings from the Bible. In addition, I prayed that He will believe in JESUS as His Lord and Savior and also believe in every verse from the Bible that I share with him. And, that he will attend church service again with me.

Not just that, as a wife, I also play my role well. I always make sure that I am constantly kind to my husband. I don’t speak bad words to him. I serve him. I do the things that make him happy and support him in his hobbies like playing online games. I understand that he is the breadwinner of the family so it is okay for him to play online games anyway, he is not irresponsible. He helps me wash the dishes, cook, do laundry, clean the house and provide for my needs. He even provides financial help for my family in the Philippines. He is a generous, kind, thoughtful, diligent and loving man.

My husband has a major depressive disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has a bad back and psoriatic arthritis so most of the time he is in pain. Therefore, I always comfort him and encourage him. I also make sure everything is easy for him. I always take care of his little requests like giving him a glass of water, preparing him some snacks, and filling his medicine holder. I help him with everything that he does. Moreover, I believe that appreciation is the oil that keeps a relationship going. So I always appreciate him and compliment him with his victories every time he wins in his online game. I always tell him that he is handsome and remind him that he is a good and loving husband.

However, in my point of view, we cannot love others and help them be their best self if we have troubles within our own self like insecurities and brokenness. We need first to believe and accept JESUS in our hearts as our Lord and Savior and have a loving and faithful relationship with Him above all. Once JESUS is in our hearts, He will restore us, heal our brokenness, and take away our sins, guilt, worries, and securities. Only then we can become good lovers. We can lead others to CHRIST also once we already have a loving relationship with JESUS. And when these others become followers of CHRIST, their hearts will become a fountain of love thereby influencing, loving and helping others become the best version of themselves as well. Love is like a dose of good medicine. It is contagious. It does wonders for both the giver and the receiver.

At present, my husband attends church service every Sunday with me. And, just last month, he thanked me for bringing him back to his old loving self and leading him back to the LORD. I was so happy when I heard it. JESUS really never fails to amaze me when He answers my prayers. Praise, glory, and honor are unto Him.

In general, we can help others become the greatest version of themselves by leading them to JESUS. And let JESUS transform their hearts, renew their minds and heal their pains. On the other hand, as humans we can help them by being kind to them, encouraging them appreciating, complimenting them and sharing God’s Word to them. Make loving others contagious. Help them become the greatest version of themselves. Spread the love. God bless. I love you with the love of the LORD.


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