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Kindness: Most important virtue JESUS taught me

In a world where pain, hurt, rejection and ill-treatment are inevitable, we should develop kindness, humility, and a forgiving attitude like JESUS for us to have peace and happiness. What does kindness mean? The dictionary defines kindness as being considerate. What does being considerate mean? It is being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others. Therefore, even if we are hurt, we should not hurt our enemies because in the end we will all be judged according to our deeds (Romans 2:6-8). We should not laugh at our enemies when they fall (Proverbs 24:17). This is the most important lesson I learned from my encounter with JESUS every day. Every day, I talk to Him and commune with Him and I have found a deep sense of kindness and great love in Him. That is why I always want to dwell on His presence because every time I talk to Him I feel secure and happy. Why, because He is merciful, understanding, forgiving, loving, humble and kind. Even if sometimes, I sin and disobey, He forgives me if I humble down and apologize. He never left me. He never punished me. He just loves me unconditionally. Unlike us sometimes, when someone hurt us, we get angry, get even and hold grudges. This should not be the right reaction when someone hurt us.

JESUS taught me to be always humble and kind whatever happens. For example, if someone hurt you, just have to say to yourself, “be kind, humble down, forgive and forget”. It is also said in the Bible that if someone hurt us, we should not get even and don’t repay evil for evil. Romans 12:17-21 ESV says, “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” I apply this teaching every time I am hurt, I just say to myself, “be kind Jen, humble down and forgive” and the hurt is gone. It is like freeing yourself from pain and resentment making peace and happiness stay in your system. And, it is very effective. Trust me it works.

So, what should we do to be kind and stay kind in spite of all the hurts? First, we should commit ourselves and follow JESUS. We should believe and accept JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR. Once you believe and accept Him and His Words, JESUS will give us His spirit and dwell in us so that we will be rooted and grounded in love through faith (Ephesians 3:17). When His Spirit dwells in us, He will guide us so we may become kind and forgiving like Him. Let the righteousness of CHRIST dwell in you. When His righteousness dwells in us, our hearts and mind are transformed. We become more loving, caring, kind and understanding like Him.

Since JESUS is loving, kind, humble and forgiving, we should make sure to always follow His good attitudes because we are called to be like Him (1 John 2:6). So, next time when someone hurt you either by word or deed just smile and say, “God bless you” and tell yourself and the one who hurt you this, “be kind like JESUS”. This way the two of you will learn to forgive, humble down and stay kind. The LORD is always kind. Even if we hurt Him sometimes by sinning, He always find ways to forgive and forget our sins. He is a very forgiving GOD. Remember, when JESUS was crucified He prayed that the Father will forgive His perpetrators for they don’t know what they are doing (Luke 23:34). Isaiah 53:7 reveals that JESUS was treated harshly but He endured it humbly. He never said a word but He forgave them, instead. In addition, start defining yourself as God’s child someone who is kind like Him; and always remember that so you will stay kind when troubles arise. Just tell yourself “I will not get revenge for I am kind”. And surely, having this kind of attitude, you will be happy, you’ll live peacefully with others and your relationship with JESUS and with everyone will flourish.

Always bear in your mind that being kind, respectful, humble, and forgiving doesn't mean you're weak. It means you are strong enough to control your anger and show respect in spite of the trouble to maintain peace in your heart and with others especially with your spouse or members of your family. So, just forgive, humble down and stay kind.  Value your relationships because our GOD is a GOD of relationships. Meditate on this verse found in Proverbs 17:9, “If you want people to like you, forgive them when they wrong you. Remembering wrongs can break up a friendship.” I know forgiving sometimes is hard but we can do it with the help of JESUS. We just have to ask Him to help us forgive the people who hurt us. Don’t resent and be bitter. Just love unconditionally. Let JESUS guide you. Ask Him to fill your heart with love instead of hate. Love your enemies like JESUS. God bless! I love you with the love of the LORD JESUS. Amen.


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