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Best and the godly ways to move on from unrequited love that JESUS taught me

Oftentimes we fell in love with someone who does not love us back either because they are not interested in us or is already committed to someone else. This kind of situation is heartbreaking. And, it is hard for our minds and hearts to accept the truth that we are not loved back. We kept on expecting and hoping that someday the person we love will reciprocate the feeling we have for them. But, the more you hope and expect, the more you become hurt until one day you find the courage to tell yourself, ‘this is enough I have to move on’.

So, what are the best and the godly ways to move on from unrequited love?

Here they are:
1. Believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and Savior. This is the first step to moving on. By doing this, your focus is shifted from the person you love, to the LORD. If you are not a believer or a Christian yet, you should first believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR. You can pray this prayer:

“LORD JESUS, I believe that you are the One True Living GOD and
You died on the cross to save me from sin and death in hell. Thank
You for your great love LORD. Please forgive me for all my sins
 and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. Please come into
my heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. LORD, I have a request 
will you please help me I am heart-broken. I trust that only
You can help me move on from this pain. LORD, I cannot 
forget this person  on my own. I cannot bear this pain anymore. 
Please help me. I love You LORD. Amen.

The LORD wants a loving and faithful relationship with us (Hosea 6:6). The LORD is like a good Father to us and when we have a loving relationship with Him, He will grant our desires and will make us happy and help us solve our problems.

2. Make loving JESUS your purpose. When you check your purpose you will notice that it is about marrying and building a future with the person you love. For you to move on, your new purpose should be to love JESUS first. You should make a commitment to serve the LORD and please Him. You should read your Bible so that you will know His commands and obey it. Obeying JESUS’ commands is the best way to express your love for Him. JESUS’ first and greatest commandment found in Matthew 22:37-38 is to love the LORD our GOD with all our heart, soul and mind. One way of loving JESUS is to communicate with Him and think of Him often. You can also express your love for the LORD by sharing the gospel with others and doing some volunteer work. If loving and pleasing the LORD becomes your purpose, He will please you too.

3. Make JESUS your best friend and cultivate a loving relationship with Him. The LORD wants a loving and faithful relationship with us (Hosea 6:6). He wants us to be His friends. So, come to Him and make Him your best friend and confidant. You need Him in order for you to move on. He has the power to change your feelings. Always talk to Him and confide everything that you feel to Him. Also, ask help from Him. The LORD is happy when we talk to Him. He is delighted when we include Him in all our plans and consults Him about it. He is like a good Father to us that when we have a loving relationship with Him, He will grant our heart’s desires and will make us happy. 

4.Pray and ask JESUS if the person you love is the one He has prepared for you. Most of the time, we just commit to loving someone without even knowing if he/she is the one for us so we end up being disappointed and hurt. So the best thing you can do is you should pray and ask the LORD if the man or woman you are in love with is the one He has prepared for you to minimize hurts. You can do this by talking to the LORD and asking the LORD for a sign like if it will rain tomorrow, she will be the one for you or if He wears a red shirt the next time you see him, He is the one for you. After asking a sign from the LORD, entrust everything to the Him, do not manipulate, just pray that if that man or woman will not hamper your relationship with JESUS then ask the LORD to give him/her to you. Trust JESUS because He is a good GOD and He knows what’s best for us. The best example of a sign in the Bible that the LORD answered is written in Genesis 24:14 when Abraham asked His servant to get Isaac a wife from the land of his relatives. So the servant asked a sign from the LORD and this is his prayer: “May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,' and she says, ‘Drink, and I'll water your camels too'-let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this, I will know that You have shown kindness to my master". The LORD answered the sign of the servant and He gave the young woman named Rebekah to Isaac as his wife. On the other hand, If JESUS’ answer to your sign is no, then move on. Don’t go chasing someone who is not meant for you.

5. Pray that the LORD will remove that deceitful feeling in your heart. Another best way to move on is to ask the LORD to heal your broken heart and eliminate that deceitful feeling of obsession in your heart. Trust that He will do it for you because He loves you. He even answered mine. If He answers your prayer thank Him.

6. Trust in the LORD and His plans for you. Trust that the LORD’s plan for us is not to harm us but to prosper us, give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Trust completely to Him and don’t rely on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). You might not see where this feeling you are experiencing is leading to but just trust in the LORD because He loves us so much that He even died on cross to save us. Just trust that everything happens for a divine purpose. Maybe the LORD is saving you for a better someone.

7. Accept the reality. If the person you love is not interested in you or he/she is committed to someone already, just accept it. And, if it is hard to accept, pray that the LORD will change your mind and heart so you can accept the reality.

8. Live in the present. Isaiah 43:18 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Stop thinking about “what ifs”; instead focus on the present situation. Don’t mess up your present decisions because of your painful past. But, learn from your past experience and offer your life and your time to the LORD. If you are planning to love again make sure you have a relationship with CHRIST first and you consult Him and ask His guidance before committing to someone.

Loving someone who doesn’t love us back is terrible and painful. But, moving on from it is easy if we shift our focus and commit ourselves to loving the source of love, JESUS. We need to make JESUS our best friend and cultivate a loving relationship with Him first. Also, we should pray and ask JESUS if the person we love is the one He has prepared for us. Another is, we should ask the LORD to remove that deceitful feeling in our hearts. We should as well trust in the LORD and His plans for us, accept the reality and live in the present. I hope this piece of writing helps you move on and will help strengthen your relationship with JESUS. Praise and glory are to JESUS. God bless! I love you with the love of the LORD JESUS. Amen.


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