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Showing posts from April, 2018

The best way to love others is to lead them to JESUS

Now that I am married, I have learned that the best way to love others especially my husband is not to change him but to accept him and help him become the best version of himself. When I first met my husband online, I felt a profound sense of sympathy and understanding for him. The moment we first chatted online, I felt a great sense of appreciation and acceptance of who he is. I accepted him even though he said he is just poor and a disabled army veteran. I accepted him even if he is not so good in spelling because he has dyslexia. And I felt peace within me. I trusted him and I felt an immense willingness to be with him in spite of his shortcomings. By the way, he proposed marriage during our first chat online. I can’t believe he will do it because we haven’t met each other in person yet and we are still in the getting-to-know each other stage. But he trusted me too. I guess it was JESUS’ plan because I felt comfortable and happy chatting with him. He is a very respectful ma...

Reflection on John 6:51

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. The bread that I will give you is my flesh, which I give so that the world may live.” -John 6:51- What does our LORD JESUS try to mean with what He said in this verse found in John 6:51? Here is a reflection on this verse: I am the living bread that came down from heaven. This means that JESUS is our One True Living God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who descended from heaven to earth to show us the way to eternal life and salvation. He is our Everlasting Father who robed himself in flesh (1 Timothy 3:16 ) and came down to earth to teach us to believe in Him and love Him as He has loved us. Living bread means the LORD JESUS is the Source of life both on earth and in heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. This means that if we  believe in and receive  JESUS, as our One True Living God (1 John 5:20) and have a faithful and l...

Reflection on Matthew 4:4

In this verse in Matthew 4:4, JESUS was being tempted by Satan while He was fasting for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness. Satan tested JESUS that if He is hungry and if He is the real Son of GOD, He should turn the stones into bread. But JESUS replied that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of GOD. What did JESUS mean by His reply? He wants to convey that we cannot live by merely eating. There is more to life than food and material things. He emphasized that we also need to feed our mind and spirit with Spiritual food. And, that Spiritual food is God's Word or God's commands and laws written in the Bible. We should fill our minds and hearts with God's Word found in the Bible in order for us to truly live. Every decision and move we make should be based on God's will. God's will means God's commands. We should always make sure that every decision will please and bring glory to CHRIST (Isaiah 43:7...

Kindness: Most important virtue JESUS taught me

In a world where pain, hurt, rejection and ill-treatment are inevitable, we should develop kindness, humility, and a forgiving attitude like JESUS for us to have peace and happiness. What does kindness mean? The dictionary defines kindness as being considerate. What does being considerate mean? It is being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others. Therefore, even if we are hurt, we should not hurt our enemies because in the end we will all be judged according to our deeds (Romans 2:6-8). We should not laugh at our enemies when they fall (Proverbs 24:17). This is the most important lesson I learned from my encounter with JESUS every day. Every day, I talk to Him and commune with Him and I have found a deep sense of kindness and great love in Him. That is why I always want to dwell on His presence because every time I talk to Him I feel secure and happy. Why, because He is merciful, understanding, forgiving, loving, humble and kind. Even if sometimes, I sin and disobey, ...

10 main characteristics of JESUS that we should imitate

We are all called to be like CHRIST and follow Him (1 John 2:6). If you are seeking to know, understand and follow JESUS, you might ask yourself what are His characteristics? Listed below are the 10 main characteristics of JESUS that we should follow:  1. JESUS is good and loving.  JESUS is perfect and good (Nahum 1:7). He is a kind and sympathetic GOD. He loves us so much that He purchased us and save us from sin with His own blood (Acts 20:28). It is written in 1 John 4:8 that JESUS is love. It means He is full of love and it is His very nature to be a loving GOD. There is no greater love than the love of JESUS for us that He laid down his life for our salvation. And, that we just have to accept the gift of salvation and believe in JESUS’ finished work on the cross. JESUS even sent his Holy Spirit to us to transform us and make us new in love.   2. JESUS is humble and gentle.  JESUS humbled himself and took the nature of a servant. Consider ...

What makes JESUS happy?

If you are a Christian seeking to know, please, and serve JESUS more, maybe you have also asked, what makes JESUS happy? The answer is simple. JESUS is happy when we seek (Matthew   6:33 ) and love Him. Ponder on this verse in Hosea 6:6,  “For I desire love and not sacrifice; the knowledge of God and not burnt offerings.”  JESUS created us to have a loving relationship with Him. So, we should treat Him as our good and loving Father who will never leave us nor forsake us and will always be there for us through thick and thin. A faithful and loving relationship with Him is achieved by communicating with Him in prayer, knowing Him more by reading His Word in the Bible and having faith in His enduring love every waking day of our lives. Or, just by simply including Him in all the things that you do like asking guidance and help from Him in your daily tasks and singing songs of praise when you are happy. Reflect on this verse found in Isaiah 43:21,   “The peo...

Reflections on Matthew 6:33

At one point in our lives, we ask ourselves, what GOD really wants us to do. The answer to this question can be found in this verse.   Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God , and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.     Here’s a reflection on what this verse mean: Seeking GOD’S Kingdom first This means having a faithful and loving relationship with GOD first above anyone and everything else. It is communicating with JESUS everyday and earnestly finding HIM with the intent of having a closer relationship with HIM above anyone else. It is making Him your best friend and confidante. It is always believing in JESUS and seeking HIS presence everyday in our lives.  It is committing to love HIM with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Seeking GOD’S Righteousness first It means accepting and living by the Word of GOD written in the Bible. It is following HIS commands, laws and stat...

There is power in prayer

Have you ever heard that adage which says prayer works and prayer is the best weapon? Well, I heard it too. I believe in it and hold on to it because whenever I pray, the LORD answers it. I always pray every morning after waking up and in the evening before I go to bed ever since I was a kid. We were trained by our parents to pray. I pray whenever I need to and whenever I am in trouble. I also pray every time I leave the house and go on long or short trips. I pray for protection and guidance always. The other day, while my husband and I were on our way back home from sending my stepdaughter to work, I was so hungry and I prayed to JESUS that He will let me eat something. And I told HIM that I hope I could eat some pork fried rice. Then unexpectedly, my husband asked the phone from me. So, I gave it to him. Then I heard that he ordered one large pork fried rice from the Chinese restaurant in our town. What a surprising moment. I didn't expect that the LORD would answer my p...

How my encounter with JESUS changed me

Earlier, while I am in the middle of writing my article for this blog, my eyes started to roll up again. This eye roll up is the side effect of the medications I take for my schizophrenia. While my eyes were rolling up, JESUS spoke to me. He revealed to me that it is Him our One and only True God, the LORD. I almost cannot believe it that the LORD, the Most High God would reveal Himself and talk to me. But He did. During our conversation, He told me that us, His sons and daughters are always on His mind and that He loves us so much. He said that He is always concerned about our health and well-being. Then He told me that I should never try to think of giving up my life because we are all precious in His sight. He added that all life on earth belongs to Him and we have no right to end our own life or take others' life.  As he spoke, He used simple English terms that I can understand. With that, I realized that I don’t need to use highfalutin words to impress everybody...

Tragedies, illnesses, wars, pains, and confusion are not JESUS’ will for us

We are often confused and we blame GOD for the misfortunes that we experience; where in fact, we are the ones to be blamed because we don’t communicate with Him and pray. We don’t ask JESUS to protect us instead we just ignore Him and just come to Him and pray when we are in trouble or in a dreadful situation. But, when we are happy we tend to forget Him. Now, are tragedies, illnesses, wars, pains, and confusion JESUS' will for us? The answer is NO. It is written in John 10:10, “ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  Tragedies are works of the enemy, the devil. Just like what happened to Job in the Bible. Satan tested Job and challenged JESUS that if he will hurt Job, Job will turn against JESUS. JESUS permitted Satan with a condition not to take away Job’s life. But Satan did not understand that JESUS delivered Job from all his pains and gave back to him what he lost in the end bec...

How to be happy the godly way?

Many of us try to seek happiness in our jobs, friends, family, lovers, hobbies, sex, money and material possessions. But all these don't guarantee a real and lasting happiness. Now, how do we define happiness? For me, happiness is loving JESUS and knowing that HE loves me so much that HE died on the cross just for me to be saved. It is also having the knowledge that HE walks with me every day and comforts me. It is having peace of mind and joy as I am being contented and satisfied with my present situation as well. Moreover, it is having a loving and faithful relationship with CHRIST. And, most of all it is being obedient to CHRIST. When you live an obedient life, JESUS will reveal Himself to you and accompany you. His constant presence will give you insurmountable joy. Here are four secrets to happiness that I learned through personal experience and practice: 1. Believe and Accept JESUS CHRIST as your Personal Lord and Savior. Invite JESUS to live in your heart. T...