much trouble happening in the world now, it is sometimes a natural
reaction to go with the flow and be bad too. But, our LORD JESUS
CHRIST reminded us that we should not conform to the standards of
this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds as we keep
ourselves informed by reading and hearing His Words and transformed
by obeying His commands in the Bible. He even added this in Romans
12:21, “Do
not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” What
does the LORD JESUS mean when He said that?
This is what the
LORD JESUS want to convey when He said do not be overcome by evil but
overcome evil with good. He wants us all to know that if someone has
done us wrong, we should not repay him/her with a wrong. Instead, we
should try to do what everyone considers to be good (Romans 12:17).
We should not get even. We should exercise caution and control over
our tongue so we will not speak something bad about that person. We
should practice kindness and remain to be kind and calm. We should
forgive our enemy seventy times seven (Matthew 18:21-22).
also reminded us that we should do everything just to maintain peace
with others and within ourselves. Let us check this verse found in
12:18 which say, “If
it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with
We should also not take revenge but let GOD's anger do it (Romans
12:19). And as the scriptures said, if our enemy is hungry, we should
feed them and when they are thirsty, we should give them drink
(Romans 12:20). By doing this, they will see your light and
acknowledge your goodness and repay you with goodness too because
they will burn with shame if not. In addition, when someone is angry
at us, we should not retaliate but entrust everything to JESUS who
judges justly.
all these being said, I hope and pray that you will be more kind and
forgiving. And, we can do that easily with the help of our One True
Living GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST. We should believe and accept Him and
His Words in our hearts and obey Him so that He will live in our
hearts and guide us. He said in John 14:23 this,
who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we
will come to them and make our home with them.” When
the LORD JESUS lives in our hearts, He will transform us. We will
become more kind, loving, and forgiving like Him. Therefore, believe
and receive the LORD JESUS now in your heart and make Him your LORD
and SAVIOR. If you want to follow Him starting today, kindly pray
this simple prayer:
- LORD JESUS, my ever-loving GOD and SAVIOR, I love You. Thank you for creating me and bringing me into this world. Thank you for loving me and sustaining my life every day. Thank you for saving me by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day. I believe that You are the One and Only True Living GOD and SAVIOR of the whole earth. Please forgive me from all my sins and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come into my heart, be my LORD and SAVIOR. I am ready to follow You and be Your servant. I want to have a closer relationship with You. Please reveal Yourself to me. Thank You, LORD. Amen.
praying that prayer, you are now ready to embark on a new journey –
the journey to eternal life. Please prepare yourself for some trials
and tests of faith. Remember JESUS is now with you so don't hesitate
to call upon His name and ask help from Him. I love you with the love
of JESUS. Thank you for reading this article. I hope this helps you
become more loving and understanding of others and become more
faithful to our LORD JESUS CHRIST. God bless you. Stay kind and good.
All glory, honor, highest praises, and thanksgiving are unto You,
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