time we face trials of various kinds, it is a reminder from JESUS
that we need to come Him and pray for His divine help and
intervention because He cares. That is the purpose of prayer, to ask
help and guidance from the Most High GOD JESUS CHRIST, who can turn
problems into solutions. Another purpose of prayer is to praise and
give thanks to the LORD for all He has done for us. We need also to
acknowledge that prayer is a sign of humility and submission to the
will of GOD. Remember JESUS said in Matthew 6:10 that the Father's
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Prayer is also one way of
getting to know JESUS by engaging in sweet talks with Him. Talking to
Him every day reveals His character and the things He likes and
dislikes. So make praying a habit. Do it every day especially after
waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night so you'll
know JESUS more and have a closer relationship with Him. If you have a closer relationship with Him, He will answer your prayers.
is a way of communicating with our Most High GOD. When we
communicate, it involves the receiver and the speaker. Us, the
speaker, talk and listen first, and then wait for the receiver which
is the LORD JESUS to answer and talk. That is the process of praying
it involves listening to the LORD not just us talking. There is an
exchange of thoughts and a dialog between you and GOD. Always
remember that listening is the key to an effective prayer. And don't
forget that the LORD wants to talk to us and tell us marvelous
things. Consider this verse in Jeremiah 33:3 which says, “Call
to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable
things you do not know.” Therefore,
we should take time to lift our concerns to Him because He wants to
help and settle it with us.
these simple steps when praying.
- Believe first that JESUS exists, He is good, He loves you, and is very willing to help you. Also, you should trust that He will help you because He is able and knowledgeable enough to solve your problem. Remember, He is the source of all wisdom and power. Then believe that He will give you what you ask (Mark 11:24).
- Call upon the name of JESUS. Acknowledge Him as the Most High and our One and Only True Living GOD.
- Praise Him for His goodness and love. Praising JESUS and acknowledging His goodness in our lives make Him happy, so do it.
- Give Him thanks for the gift of life and salvation. Thanking the LORD pleases Him and keeps us continually aware of CHRIST's goodness and great love for us.
- If you remember that someone has wronged you, forgive him before asking something from the LORD so that He will also forgive you. Additionally, if you remember your sin, ask forgiveness from the LORD too so that your conscience is clean and the LORD will be happy because you have acknowledged your fault.
- Present your request to JESUS or tell Him what you want. You should say, LORD JESUS, please help me with this I cannot do it on my own or I cannot bear this burden anymore I feel so helpless, please help me LORD; or say this, LORD I don't know what to do I need Your help, please guide me and teach me or LORD, I need your wisdom on this, enlighten my mind and heal my heart.
- Pause, wait and listen for His reply. You have to basically wait even if it will take one whole day for the LORD to give you His answer. You just have to sit or kneel and wait. Remember, you need help, so wait and be patient. Don't give up until you get the help you need. Most of the time, based on my experience, the LORD replies by giving me an idea of what to do to solve my problem. For example, you prayed for financial provision for your school project, the LORD will tell you what to do or whom to approach that will help you raise the desired amount for your school project. Another example is when you are hurt by someone, the LORD will tell you to forgive him/her seventy times seven and bless those who have sinned against you. If you are a Christian and you read your Bible often, the LORD will remind you of some Bible verses that would comfort you and encourage you when you are in doubt and down. Just don't hesitate to come to Him in prayer. Also, if you are a Christian, it is better if you sing a Christian song to the LORD first before praying to establish rapport with the LORD and make Him smile.
- After the LORD replies, thank Him right away and do what He says.
Always remember
is not just about asking for things; it is about seeking God’s
presence and enjoying sweet communion with Him through the exchange
of thoughts and ideas along with careful obedience to what He says.
if you follow these simple steps to prayer that I have mentioned
above, you will live a life full of victory always. The key is to
humble down, acknowledge JESUS' lordship, ask, wait, listen, trust,
obey, forgive, and give thanks.
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