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How to solve your problems the godly way

In our day to day lives, it is normal that we encounter problems of many kinds. It is either a health problem, a spiritual problem, an emotional problem, relationship problem or financial problem. Sometimes we have problems as a result of our poor choices and bad decisions. Also, the LORD allows problems to remind us that there is GOD who loves us so much, is very willing to help us, and wants to have a faithful and loving relationship with us. Problems are also God's reminder that we have to rely on Him completely (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). If we are always happy and have no problems, we won't feel the need to ask for the help from the Most High GOD and forget to have a closer relationship with Him thus, neglecting our purpose of glorifying Him (Isaiah 43:7). Problems are GOD's way of getting our attention, drawing us closer to Him and making us strong. So we should have a positive attitude when we have problems. Consider this verse in James 1:2-3 which say, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

Here are the steps to solving your problems:

1.) Check if it is really a problem or not.
If it worries you, gives you discomfort, and makes you sad and hopeless then it is a problem. But, remember all problems are just temporary. They can be solved with the help of our loving GOD JESUS CHRIST. Just trust and believe that He can solve your problem because He knows the way and He is the GOD of solutions.

2.) Accept the problem, humble down, and acknowledge that you need help from JESUS.
If it really bothers you, don't ignore or deny it. Instead, lift it up to the LORD because only Him has the power to change your situation. Also, you should humble down and acknowledge that you need the help of JESUS; stop relying on your own strength and ability. And, trust that JESUS will help you because He loves you. He even died on the cross just to save us and give us eternal life in heaven. So trust in Him because He is the Source of all wisdom and He can solve all your problems because nothing is too hard for Him to do.

3.) Believe and accept JESUS as your GOD and SAVIOR first.
Before praying, you need first to believe that JESUS exists and He is our One True Living GOD and accept Him in your heart as your GOD who will help you solve your problem. If you are not a believer of JESUS yet and wants your problem to be solved please believe and pray this simple prayer first:
LORD JESUS, I believe that You are the One True Living GOD, my very intelligent Creator, and my very loving Savior. Thank You for creating me and saving me LORD. Thank You for dying on the cross to save me from sin and hell. Please forgive me from all my sins and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins, please come into my heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. I love You LORD JESUS. Amen.
Once you accept and receive JESUS and believe in His Mighty Name, he will give you the right to become His child (John 1:12). When you become His child and have a good, loving, loyal, and faithful relationship with Him, He will answer all your prayers, help you solve all your problems and even bless you more abundantly much more than what you asked for.

4.) Pray.
It is said in James 5:13 that if we are in trouble, we should pray. Prayer is one way of tapping into the LORD's abundant grace, love, and mercy. It is seeking His godly help and intervention. It is acknowledging that we cannot solve our problems on our own and trusting in His unfailing love, ability, and power to change our situation. So, tell the LORD how you feel and ask for His help. What you should do first before praying is to believe that JESUS exists, He is good, He loves you, and is very willing to help you. Also, you should trust that He will help you because He is able and knowledgeable enough to solve your problem. Then believe that He will give you what you ask (Mark 11:24). Remember, He is the source of all wisdom and power. Put your trust and hope unto Him because He is a good and helpful GOD. Then you call upon the name of JESUS. Acknowledge Him as the Most High and our One and Only True Living GOD. Then praise Him for His goodness and love. Then give thanks to Him for the gift of life and salvation. Also, if you remember that someone has wronged you, forgive him before asking something from the LORD so that He will also forgive you. Additionally, if you remember your sin, ask forgiveness from the LORD too so that your conscience is clean and the LORD will be happy because you have humbled yourself and acknowledged your fault. Then present your request to Him or tell Him you need help in solving your problem. When you utter your request, be kind, polite, gentle, and sweet and use the word "please". Beg for JESUS' help, cry if you must. And then, pause, wait and listen for His answer, reply, and advice because prayer is communication. You talk, wait and listen to the LORD's answer. Please wait patiently and listen attentively for the LORD's reply. Remember you need solutions to your problem, therefore, wait and listen. Don't worry the LORD will certainly answer you because He promised in Jeremiah 33:3 saying, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

5.) After JESUS replies and answers your request, give Him thanks and praise Him and do what He says.
Listen closely to JESUS' reply and obey it immediately but first give Him thanks for giving you a solution to your problem. 

See, solving a problem is very easy, if you have faith and trust in JESUS. Don't rely on your own ability and strength. Instead, rely on our Most Powerful, intelligent, wise, loving, and kind Creator JESUS CHRIST. Meditate on this verse in Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path straight.” Just believe and follow this advice and the LORD will give you solutions to your problems. Trust me this is what I always do and the LORD JESUS always answers me and helps me. Always remember to focus on JESUS not on your problems because problems are just temporary but JESUS is eternal. Problems are just designed to direct our attention to JESUS who loves us so much who gave Himself for our salvation. Problems are designed to make us strong by having a  good and loving relationship with our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I love you with the love of JESUS. Thank you for reading this article. I hope this piece can help you solve your problem. God bless you. Before I end, I will leave you this verse in Nahum 1:7 which says, “The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” Trust and believe that JESUS will help you because He is a good and loving GOD. Thank you so much LORD JESUS for giving me the knowledge and wisdom so that I can write this piece. All glory, honor, highest praises, and thanksgiving all belong to You, LORD. I love You, LORD. Amen.


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