you are a Christian and have a relationship with our LORD JESUS
already, you sometimes experience disappointments because you still
commit sin. Therefore, you have asked yourself, how can I stop
sinning? And, you might have asked the LORD to help you overcome your
evil desires and temptations. My dear reader, the answer to your
struggle over sin and evil is loving JESUS.
I was singing songs of praise and worship to the LORD JESUS, after
waking up this afternoon, the LORD revealed to me that the secret on
how to defeat the powers of darkness like our evil desires is to
control it. We can control our evil desires if we have a reason to do
it and let that reason be our love for the LORD JESUS; because He
added that loving Him is the most powerful weapon against evil and
sin. You might ask why. Let me tell you the reasons.
love for JESUS? It is because love is the opposite of sin and GOD is
the opposite of evil. GOD is love and if you love JESUS above all; in
other words, with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and your
focus is to glorify and please Him no amount of evil will live in
your heart. Since your love for JESUS always triumphs. You will not
commit sin anymore because you are committed to pleasing the LORD
plus you are afraid to commit sin anymore because you are afraid to
lose and break your good relationship with Him. Like what you do with
your lover, wife, or husband, you stay faithful to him/her or avoid
doing things that would hurt him/her like adultery so that your
relationship will never be broken and the two of you will stay happy.
the other hand, sin separates us from the love of GOD. Let us check
this verse in Isaiah 59:2 which say, “But
your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And
your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.”
you remember when Adam and Eve sinned against JESUS by eating the
forbidden fruit, the LORD separated Himself from them and sent them
out of the garden of Eden. This is also true when we commit sin while
living here on earth. We will be separated from JESUS and we will not
experience His love but His wrath and punishment. The Bible even says
that the wage of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But the gift of GOD is
eternal life through the death of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. The LORD
assured us that when we believe that JESUS died for the atonement of
our sins we will be saved (John 3:16). That is how great JESUS' love
for us.
you love the LORD with all your heart, you can control your evil
desires already. Since your love for Him will convict your Spirit and
the Holy Spirit will remind you not to commit sin. Also, GOD has
given us the power over sin by becoming His children. Let us meditate
on this verse written in John 1:12 which say, “Yet
to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he
gave the right to become children of GOD.”
Once you become God's child, GOD will send us the Spirit of JESUS and
JESUS will empower us and guide us so that we will not commit sin
anymore. Let us check this verse in Galatians 4:6 which say, “And
because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into
our hearts, prompting us to call out, "Abba, Father." Since
JESUS lives in our hearts upon accepting Him, we are not slaves to
sin anymore but heirs of the kingdom of GOD and we are free from sin.
Since the one who lives in our hearts is perfect and sinless.
Therefore, our old self is gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians
5:17). We are renewed and made perfect and worthy of GOD's love and
approval. Let us also consider this verse in John 14:23 which say,
“JESUS replied, “Anyone
who loves me will obey My teaching. My Father will love them, and we
will come to them and make our home with them.”
When we love JESUS, He will make our hearts His humble abode and He
will live in it guiding us every day and helping us avoid sin.
my dear reader, decide to start loving JESUS now and talk to Him in
prayer and tell Him you want a closer relationship with Him. Also,
believe in Him as your One True Living GOD and accept Him and His
Words in the Bible as true so that He will live in your heart and
guide you enabling you to overcome sins, evil, and temptations. By
the way, you can best show your love for Him by being obedient to
Him. Check this verse in John 14:15 which say, “If
you love me, you will obey my commandments.” His
commandments are to love Him and our neighbors. So let us do that. If
we love Him and our neighbors, we are making our relationship with
Him stronger thus, conquering sin. Every time we conquer and avoid
sin, the LORD is happy and He will bless us. Therefore, let us read
our Bible day and night to be familiar with the things that cause sin
so that we can avoid them. I love you with the love of the LORD. May
you experience God's love and divine providence. Thank you so much
Papa JESUS for giving me the wisdom and courage to write this piece.
You are so amazing, LORD. Thank you for revealing to me many great
and wonderful things. I love You, Papa. Amen.
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