might have not heard and read JESUS’ first commandment in the Bible that is to love
Him (Matthew 22:37 -38). I understand you for that. That is why I wrote this article
for you to increase your knowledge about JESUS and to help strengthen your
faith and devotion to Him. I suggest that you read your Bible, ask JESUS to guide you, and communicate with Him often for you to know Him welI. I myself personally am
convinced that we should love JESUS because I know He is good and He has been
good to me and my family ever since I was a kid. So I trust, love, and obey
Him. Listed here below are eight reasons why we should love and obey JESUS.
1. He is our One True Living God,
Creator, and Savior.
is said in 1 John 5:20 that JESUS CHRIST is our True GOD. He is our Creator, check this verse in Colossians 1:16 which say, " For
by Him all things were created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him." He created
everything including us humans. So, just as we love our parents, we should love
JESUS for making us, giving us life, and sustaining our lives every day. Not
just that, He is also our Savior. Meditate on this verse on 1 Peter 3:18 which
says, “For Christ also died for
sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God,
having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.” Therefore, we should love Him as a sign
of gratitude for what He did for us. If you have wanted to have a closer
relationship with JESUS, please pray this simple prayer:
LORD JESUS, I believe
that You are the One True Living GOD, my very intelligent Creator, and my very loving
Savior. Thank You for creating me and saving me LORD. Thank You for dying on
the cross to save me from sin and hell. Please forgive me from all my sins and
cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins, please come into my
heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank You for Your promise of everlasting
life. LORD, I want to have a closer relationship with You. Please increase my
faith and my love for you. I love You, LORD. Amen.
2. To love Him is His greatest
22:37-38 says this, “Jesus
replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the
first and greatest commandment.” To love JESUS is to put Him first. If we
love Him with all our hearts, mind, and soul, we don’t allow other
insignificant things like money, pride, and greed to mislead us. Let us check
how we can show our love for Him in John 14:15 which say, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Since it is the LORD
JESUS’ commandment to love Him, it is our duty and obligation to follow and
obey Him.
3. He wants our love.
LORD JESUS in Hosea 6:6 says this, “For I desire steadfast
love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of GOD
and not burnt offerings.” It is clear that the LORD wants us to love
Him. He wants us to spend time knowing Him by reading the Bible and
communicating with Him personally. Take note the LORD answers us when we pray
He said this in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell
you great and unsearchable things.” The LORD wants us to talk to Him and commune with Him. He wants us to know Him more every day by
revealing Himself to us through prayer. One good way of showing our love for
Him is to desire Him. Let us check this verse in Psalms 42:1 which say, "As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for You my GOD." Once we experience His goodness, love, and mercy we will
keep on coming back to Him; in other words, we desire Him and love to be in His
presence always. If this happens, we are already developing a closer, faithful,
and loving relationship with Him. Another good way of showing our love for JESUS is to praise and worship Him. Consider this verse in Luke 4:8 which say, "And JESUS answered and said unto him, get thee behind me Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the LORD thy GOD and Him only shalt thou serve."
4. He will love and bless us if we love
and obey Him.
LORD JESUS told His people when He gave them the Ten Commandments that He loves
and blesses those who love and obey Him. Let us check these verses found in
Genesis 20:4-6 which say, “You shall not make for yourself an image in
the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters
below. You shall not bow down to them; for I the LORD your GOD, am a jealous
GOD, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth
generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations of
those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Also, consider this verse in James 1:25 which
say, “But
whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues
in it, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it; they will be blessed
in what they do.” Therefore we should love and obey JESUS for He has
promised to bless us if we love and obey Him.
5. He first loved us.
is said in 1 John 4:19 that we love because He first loved us. We should love
JESUS because He first loved us that while we were yet sinners, He gave Himself
for us as the atonement for our sins (Romans 5:8). Imagine what a loving GOD we
have, instead of punishing us for our sins; He saved us and showed mercy to us
by making Himself man and offered Himself for us through His death on the cross.
He even taught us many important values while He walked on this earth and He
also wrote the Bible to remind us always of how great is His love for us.
6. He wants us to live forever with
said in John 3:16 that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life. That
is His purpose of saving us to give us eternal life in heaven so we could spend
eternity with Him. What a generous and loving GOD we have! Let us reflect on
these verses in John 14:1-3 which say “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You
believe in GOD; believe also in Me. My Father’s house has many rooms if that
were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for
you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to
be with Me that you also may be where I am.”
7. He is good.
is said in Nahum 1:7 that the LORD is good. The LORD has proven that many times
in my life. He healed me from all my illnesses, saved me from many dangers, and
accompanied me every day. One good reason why we should love JESUS is that He
is always good. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever
(Hebrews 13:8). Therefore, we can trust that He will never fail us. Also, His
plans are not to harm us but to prosper us and give us hope and a future
(Jeremiah 29:11). We can trust Him because He promised that He will never leave
us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
recap, we should love JESUS because He is our One True Living God, Creator, and
Savior; to love Him is His greatest commandment, He wants our love, He will
love and bless us if we love and obey Him, He first loved us, He wants us to
live forever with Him and He is good. Thank you so much, my dear reader, for
reading this piece. I hope your faith will be strengthened and your love for
JESUS will increase so that you too can experience the His lavish love and the
joy of serving Him. I love you with the love of JESUS. God bless.
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