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Eight secrets to answered prayers

It is such a wonderful feeling when our prayers are answered. Thus, as much as possible, we 
want all our prayers to be answered so that we will feel victorious and loved. So, what are the secrets to answered prayers? Here they are:

1. Believe and accept JESUS as your GOD and SAVIOR.
The first step to answered prayers is, of course, to believe in JESUS as your GOD and accept Him in your heart as your master, best friend, and SAVIOR. Also, you should believe in everything that JESUS said in the Bible as true. If you are an unbeliever who wants to believe and accept JESUS now, kindly pray this simple prayer:

LORD JESUS, I believe that You exists and You are real. I believe that You are the One True Living GOD. Thank You for Your great love for me. Thank You for dying on the cross just to save me from sin and hell. Please forgive me for all my sins. Please forgive me from doubting You. Please cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come into my heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. I am now ready to give my life to you, obey You, and love You. I love You, LORD. Amen.

2. Establish a closer relationship with JESUS.
Tell JESUS you want a closer and stronger relationship with Him. You can pray this simple prayer:

LORD JESUS, I surrender my life to you because I believe that Your plans are better than mine. LORD, I don’t want to live life without You. I want to have a closer relationship with You and go on with life under the shadow of your wings and wrapped by Your loving arms. I want to live life under Your care and Your loving presence. LORD, I hope to know You more and love you even better. LORD, You said in John 14:6 that You are the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the Father except by You. You are the only way LORD and You are the complete definitions of life because You have given us Your life and that is a sign of real and lasting love which I so wanted to experience. Thank You so much LORD for giving me the chance to live and know You. I love You, LORD. Amen.

In Hosea 6:6 JESUS says He wants our love. He wants us to love Him and have a closer relationship with Him. Therefore, we should establish a loving and faithful relationship with Him. The LORD JESUS is like a father to us, if we have a good relationship with Him, He will give us what we want. John 15:7 says this, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  So, it is important that we remain faithful to JESUS by loving and obeying Him so that our good relationship with will be maintained and He will answer our prayers and give us what we need.

3. Repent, humble down, and seek JESUS’ face continuously
The LORD JESUS in 2 Chronicles 7:14 says this, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” This is JESUS’ promise to us that if we only humble ourselves, pray, repent, and seek His face; He will hear us from heaven and answer our prayers. Therefore, it is important that we admit that we have sinned and ask His forgiveness and repent or turn away from sin and live a whole new blameless life with our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST. We should as well seek Him at all times and seek His will. Let us all check our motives and decisions if they are aligned to JESUS’ will that is to save us. If it doesn’t, let us not do it. Also, please pray this short prayer of repentance:  
LORD JESUS, I am coming to You, now. I confess that I have been unfaithful to You in my thoughts, words, and deeds. LORD, You promised in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us. So, please forgive me LORD. I repented my sins LORD and I want to reject and avoid committing them over and over again. Please help me be faithful to You and create in me a clean heart, LORD. I thank You, LORD for Your forgiveness. I love You, LORD. Amen.

4. Believe that your prayer will be answered.
Mark 11:24 says this, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Yes, it is said that whatever we ask for in prayer will be ours if we believe but, let us also remember that GOD only answers prayers that are in accordance with His will. Meditate on this verse in 1 John 5:14 which says, This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”  So when you ask something from JESUS, make sure your intent is good and consult the Bible or your Pastor if it is in accordance to JESUS’ will so that your prayers will be answered by JESUS. Amen.

5. Wait and listen to JESUS’ reply when praying.
The LORD answers prayers. He said this in Jeremiah 33:3, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Therefore we need to listen to His reply when we pray. He gives us answers to our prayers by reminding us of a Bible verse that we have read or by giving us an idea of what to do about a particular situation. He also gives us a wise advice or solution to our problems sometimes through an audible voice in your head. He also convicts our conscience through a small voice in your heart telling us that we have sinned and that we need to repent. The LORD answers us in so many ways that is why we just need to be patient and open to hearing His reply or response through His voice.

6. Remind JESUS of His promises in the Bible
When we remind the LORD JESUS of His promises in the Bible, He is glad because it means we obey His command in Joshua 1:8 that is to read the Bible day and night. It means we read the Bible and know His will and promises to us. Remember this verse in Isaiah 43:26 which says, Remind me of my promises; plead them before me; declare them, that by my free grace I may justify thee.”

7. You must be specific with your prayer and pray without ceasing.
Our Pastor told us that when we pray for something, we need to be specific. So when I asked the LORD for a husband, I told Him exactly the qualities that I want for a husband and the LORD answered my prayer. He gave me exactly the man I was looking for with a bonus. He is an American. In Mark 10:46-52, The LORD JESUS demonstrate to us that our prayers should be specific. It is when Bartimaeus a blind man called JESUS to have mercy on Him. He wasn’t specific with His request so JESUS asked Him what he wants Him to do and after Bartimaeus told JESUS that He wanted to see, JESUS immediately healed him and he received his sight. We should also pray without ceasing. If the LORD didn’t answer us yet we should keep on praying and patiently wait for the LORD’s answer to our prayers. Ephesians 6:18 says this, And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”  Notice it says in the above verse that we should keep praying and so we must be persistent with our prayers. If the LORD didn't answer you yet, just continue praying and wait patiently for His answers because eventually, He will answer you because He promised to answer us in Jeremiah 33:3.

8. Have a prayer notebook and give thanks when your prayers are answered.
To increase our faith and trust in JESUS, we should have a prayer notebook. The prayer notebook keeps track of our prayers and determines which ones are already answered and which ones that need continued request. Also, the prayer notebook can serve as a reminder to us of how good and faithful JESUS is and how blessed we are to have Him as GOD and SAVIOR. Moreover, when our prayers are answered, we should give thanks to JESUS. He said this in Psalm 50:23, Giving thanks is the sacrifice that honors me, and I will surely save all who obey me.” The more we praise and give Him thanks the happier JESUS will be and we will be blessed more abundantly.

Thank you so much, my dear reader, for taking time reading this article. I pray that JESUS will answer your prayers, give you the desires of your heart, and make all your plans succeed. I love you with the love of JESUS. God bless and rejoice in the LORD always. Please keep reading your Bible and prepare for JESUS’ second coming. Always do good and be good. Spread love anywhere you go.


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