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A wonderful message from the LORD JESUS

Have a good day! I hope all is fine with you. Another year has passed and you are still there trying to figure out what life is. Life is hard I know. I know you have been meaning to ask me about your messy life and why you seemed trapped by your troubles. You also question why things happen the way it is. You should never worry because I love you and will never abandon you. I know life has been good to you more often but you have forgotten to thank Me. Life alone is the best gift from Me, and you should thank Me for it. I have been good to you but you have forgotten Me and abandoned me like a homeless child.

My child, do not be consumed by the world’s standards and do not bother to please the world because they will never be. I love you, do not ever forget that. I have formed you in your mother's womb with a plan to give you heaven, the most amazing place I have ever prepared for you but Satan destroyed it. Do not worry I am still patient with you. But the time comes when I will be leaving you because of your sins. So by now, you better prepare your soul and heart for my second coming. I love you and will never forget you.

What I mean by prepare your heart and soul is you should live according to my Words in the Bible and obey my commands written in it. I love you and would never leave you. Don’t test me or my patience. I know you and you can never escape from my disciplinary acts. Someday I will come back and choose those who are mine and give them my heart and soul again but this time it would be more meaningful and they will understand already why I always give them my love. Tears run down my face now but the LORD is good so I am good. I will never change. You see, I have given you my life already. All you have to do is accept it with humility and love.

You can never taste the real life you want apart from Me and if you don’t repent and reject sin and make a conscious decision to follow Me and My commands. You can never taste the goodness of the LORD if you reject me again and again. Life is good when we have the love and guidance of our LORD JESUS. He is our Greatest Healer, Greatest Provider, and Greatest Savior. I love you. Don’t ever forget that. So now that you know Me and love Me. I will give you my kingdom, Heaven. Keep it clean (maintain a clean conscience) and do not abandon it. Keep it well furnished with good deeds and love. I need you please believe Me. The world will never be the same without you. So if you have a problem just come to Me and do not ever think of ending your life. It pains me to know you are not satisfied with your life where in fact I have given you everything. What I want you to do is live a life of forgiveness, thankfulness, and love.

Whenever you are hurt, just forgive and stay kind. Love is like that. Don’t harbor grudges and never ever retaliate or get even. The LORD is angry with those who are proud, unforgiving, and unbelieving. Believe in Me and in everything I say. Just trust in Me because I know you better than yourself. So what I want you to do now is to first believe that I exist, I am just near and willing to listen to you. And, call upon my name JESUS CHRIST and kneel, close your eyes and pray this simple prayer:

LORD JESUS, I believe that You are our True Living GOD as you have revealed in Isaiah 44:6 and Revelation 1:17-18, and 1 John 5:20. I need You and I love You LORD. Please forgive me for all my sins. I am turning to You now and I am ready to offer my life to You and love You. Your will be done in me Papa. Thank You so much Papa.

Love demands in deeds, my child. Don't just say you truly love your neighbor but prove it by the things you do. So do good and be good. I love you. I will be listening and guiding you. I love you do not ever feel sad and alone I am just near. I love you. Be nice and kind and you’ll be blessed.


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