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JESUS, our visa to heaven

Last night the LORD JESUS and I talked about my sister's visa and how she could come here in the USA. Then, unconsciously, I asked the LORD. I said, "LORD how could we come to heaven?" Is there some sort of a visa to heaven too? And I felt the LORD smiled and He answered. He said, "of course there is, you people already have a visa to heaven. He is JESUS you just have to believe, love, and accept Him."

Upon hearing the LORD'S reply, I felt peace, joy, a sense of assurance, and an increased level of security because I know and felt that I am on the right track and I am worshiping the right GOD, the One and Only true living GOD, JESUS CHRIST. He is from heaven. He is sinless and pure but He offered His life for me and for you. He chose to die on the cross just to save us from sin and bring us to GOD. It is GOD'S great plan and will to give us heaven and allow us to enjoy the abundant life and the splendor of a life lived with JESUS while we are still here on earth. Our hearts should celebrate our salvation every day. Every day, we should give thanks to the LORD JESUS for the gift of life and salvation.

Then out of the blue I remember my conversation with the LORD last year. I said, "LORD, thank you for saving me and for giving me the joy of my salvation." And the LORD said, "yes it is joyful to be saved but saving you was painful." And I felt sad and I felt a sense of sympathy and pity to the LORD because I know it was very painful. Imagine you are being beaten the whole day then your hands and feet are nailed down into a wood and your side is being pierced with a spear bringing a sudden flow of blood and water, and you are being crowned with thorns. That is unbearable; that is too much for a man to handle but the LORD endured it. I am crying now, while I am writing this. I felt a deep sense of sympathy to the LORD. Indeed, He deserved our love and our devotion. He is all so worthy of great thanks, highest praises, glorious clap, and honor. What He did was worth emulating. It gives us a very clear message of hope and love. Because of His love for us He chose to die just to give us life. Oh what an awesome GOD, You are LORD JESUS! I so love You.

So, now that you are reading this piece, please give JESUS a godly pause and try to meditate on what He did just to save you. Don't ever ignore this message. The LORD JESUS is listening. He wants to welcome you, therefore welcome Him into your heart as a sign of thanks and your love for Him. Pray this simple prayer:
"LORD JESUS, I love You. Thank You for dying on the cross and rising again on the third day just to save us from sin. I commend and praise You LORD for saving me.  Please forgive me from all my sins and cleanse me from my unrighteousness. I welcome you into my heart now. Please be my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank You, LORD. I love You. Amen."

I love you, my dear reader. Thank you for taking time reading this piece. I hope this has given you a deep sense of comfort knowing that you have a visa for heaven already. You just have to love, believe, and accept JESUS wholeheartedly. What I meant by accept is to believe that He is our One True Living GOD and believe in His Words written in the Bible as all truth and obey it. Also you should confess JESUS as your LORD  then you'll be saved (Romans 10:9). Thank you again, my dear reader. I love you. May the GOD of peace shower you with His great love. God bless!


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