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Fulfilling our purpose of making JESUS and others happy: the secret to happiness

After singing praise and worship songs to the LORD JESUS one nice afternoon last week, I remembered that I needed to post another vlog for my YouTube channel. So, I prayed and asked JESUS of the things He wanted to convey so that I can make a video of it and write a blog about it as well. After waiting for JESUS' reply, He finally answered and said that I should write about our purpose. But, I was hesitant because I already have a video and an article about our purpose on my YouTube channel and on this blog. But He insisted that it should be my topic. So I asked Him what He wanted me to write and say.

He said that our purpose here on earth is to glorify Him as written in Isaiah 43:7. He says, “They are my own people and I created them, to bring me glory.” The Merriam Webster dictionary defines glory as heavenly happiness. So it means we are created to give glory to CHRIST or to make Him happy. And He said you can bring me glory if you obey the commandments that are to love Me first and love your neighbor. Matthew 22:37-39 say this, “Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” And love He says is prioritizing others’ happiness. Like what He did He prioritized our happiness even if it meant His death. He suffered all the pains and humiliation just to give us eternal life.

On the other hand, I tried to ask Him this, “Papa what if that person hurts me shall I still love that person and prioritize his happiness?” He said, “Yes, remember it is written in the Bible that you should love your enemies and bless them, right? Luke 6:27-28 say this, “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” The LORD JESUS added, "by the way, no one will hurt you if you make them happy always like helping them with their chores and needs. And, you will not be in trouble if you won't retaliate if you just humble down and forgive. If you want to partake heaven with Me, you should make it your purpose to prioritize my happiness and others' happiness. I love you, my child." Upon hearing this, I realize that JESUS is indeed a loving GOD who wants us to be happy. And He also wants us to do the same. So, starting now, let us make it our purpose to make JESUS and others happy. And let us start to practice making others happy now. I tried doing it every time I see different people on TV and on Facebook. In my mind, I compliment and appreciate them because JESUS told me that appreciating them would make them happy instead of criticizing them.  And every time I remind myself to make that person happy I felt happy too. What I noticed with JESUS too is that when He looks at a person, He smiles. So I asked Him why. He said it's because the secret to happiness is prioritizing others' happiness. He has loved us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) that's why He smiles and is always happy. 

So now when you see a person don't envy or criticize him/her but make him/her happy instead, by appreciating him/her or by offering help with his/her needs and problems or by simply being kind to him/her. Train your mind and heart to do that. Try it and you'll be happy. I just started practicing it last week and it made me so happy. I also told my husband about this and I guess we are practicing this method so well. For example the other day, I told him that I want to eat some sesame chicken and pork fried rice. In order to have those, we need to go to the Chinese restaurant in our town which is five minutes drive from our house. He said that he doesn't feel like driving and going to the restaurant so I prioritized his happiness and didn't insist on going and buying the foods that I wanted. But, after 30 minutes, he realized that he needs to prioritize my happiness too. So, he said, "let's go buy the food you want and have some dinner". That made me so happy and made him so happy too. Wow, I really thank the LORD for teaching us this amazing guide to a good relationship and secret to happiness. It is so effective. Try practicing it and teaching your husband or boyfriend or family about this too and you'll never regret.

So in summary, we can be happy by fulfilling GOD'S purpose for creating us. That can be done by prioritizing His happiness and our neighbors' happiness. Every day when we wake up in the morning, we should constantly remind ourselves to prioritize the LORD JESUS' and our loved ones' or neighbors' happiness. We can make the LORD JESUS happy by giving Him thanks, praising Him, obeying all His commands, honoring Him or revering Him and communicating with Him always. We can make others happy by appreciating them, helping them, encouraging them and not insisting on our own happiness but considering theirs as well. I will share you the verse that completely changed the course of my life. It is found in Matthew 22:37-39, it says, "Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” I meditated on that verse last June 2014 and since then, I always remind myself to follow it and the LORD rewarded me with His Great love, loving Presence, Great Guidance, and constant company. So make it your purpose to love JESUS and others too. Every morning when you wake up, remind yourself to prioritize JESUS and other people's happiness. If you do that, He will reveal Himself to you and reward you with His great love and loving presence. I love you with the love of the LORD. God bless you. Thank you for reading this piece, my dear reader. I love you with the love of the LORD. LORD JESUS, a million thanks is not enough but I will give thanks and praise You for teaching me this very important guide to life. All glory, honor, highest praises, and thanksgiving are Yours, LORD.


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