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Seven best godly ways to overcome loneliness and depression

Have you experienced being lonely and depressed? That feeling when you wake up in the morning and you feel lonely or when sadness would just creep in without reason? Or that feeling when you know you would be fine but it didn't feel like it? You know that your family loves you but still, you feel unloved? Or that feeling of sadness when you lose your loved one and you feel empty? I call that loneliness. And, now that I have a relationship with CHRIST, I can define loneliness or depression as homesickness for GOD, a longing for someone trustworthy who can make us completely happy.
Loneliness and depression are also the results of sin. When I sin, I automatically feel lonely and I feel GOD'S spirit leave me and I feel empty no matter how I try to pacify myself. I have discovered that there really is a void in our hearts that needs to be filled by GOD'S spirit alone. When you are lonely it means you have sinned or is living in sin resulting in a lack of GOD'S presence. Therefore, when you are lonely, it is also GOD'S way of calling you and directing your attention to Him for you to feel His presence and be filled with happiness again. Because if we have JESUS in our hearts we won't be lonely since in His presence there is a fullness of joy. Let us check this verse in Psalms 16:11 it says, You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is a fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” In other words, we were created to be holy/sinless so we can perfectly commune with our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Although we are forgiven in Christ and can come boldly before His throne, we still feel the effects of sin and separation from Him. So what shall we do then to overcome loneliness and depression which is the effect of sin and separation from JESUS? Here are some effective biblical ways:
1. Believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and have a relationship with Him.
We are created to make a continuous connection with GOD. But since we have sinned we feel disconnected with our Creator. But the good news is that GOD already has offered Himself and died for our sins so that we can be reconciled with Him and become His children and friends. We can become GOD’s children and friends by believing and accepting our Great GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST and having a loving and faithful relationship with Him. Having a good, faithful, and loving relationship with the LORD creates a connection between us and GOD. We are created to have a connection with Him so when that purpose is fulfilled, the LORD is happy and He will live in our hearts thus, making us happy too. His Spirit will also give us freedom from sin thus, overcoming loneliness. When you have a loving relationship with JESUS, He will make you aware that He exists and He loves you. He will accompany you and guide you and will reveal Himself to you. His love will penetrate down to your very soul that no amount of loneliness can overcome it. His love is strong and sure. Seek and love Him first. Don't seek your happiness in earthly things but anchor your joy in the LORD and delight in His ways. Let us consider this verse in Psalm 37:4 which says, “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

2. Ask for JESUS’ forgiveness and repent.
Since loneliness is a result of sin or a life lived in sin, asking forgiveness to JESUS and repenting from sin is one good way to overcome loneliness. Let us ponder on this verse in Psalm 32:1. It says, Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” Our LORD is a merciful and forgiving GOD. He has promised to forgive us if only we ask (1John 1:9). And, surely He will fill our hearts with joy once our sins are forgiven. After seeking forgiveness from the LORD and you don't feel any shame and guilt anymore, then repent. Repentance is turning away from sin completely and turning to JESUS and entrusting Him everything including your life and all your plans since our life is already planned and written in GOD'S book (Psalm 139:16). Repentance is rejecting sin and obeying GOD. When you obey GOD, you will be happy for it is written in Luke 11:28 that happy is the man who has heard GOD'S word and obeys it.

3. Pray to the LORD JESUS always.
This is the best way to commune with the LORD and feel His loving presence that would certainly fill our hearts with overflowing joy. James 5:13 says whoever is in trouble let him pray. When you are lonely and depressed it means there is trouble within you so you need to pray that JESUS will replace your loneliness with joy for He is our joy-giver. He said this in John 15:11, I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” As for myself, there is never a time when I felt lonely when pray and communicate with the LORD JESUS. I always feel loved, motivated, encouraged, inspired, and happy whenever I talk to Him. Therefore communicate and pray to the LORD always. Put your trust in Him because He is good and faithful. Trust that He will do what is best for you and your loneliness and depression is not His will for you. He wants you to be truly happy. Therefore, seek His presence. You can only feel His presence when you talk to Him. So talk to Him often. Give Him your sorrow to Him and ask Him to lighten your burden and shed light on your situation. Besides, the LORD JESUS said in Matthew 11:28-30 that we should come to Him whenever we feel tired and burdened for He will give us rest for He is gentle and lowly in heart, and His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

4. Sing and listen to worship songs.
Whenever you are sad and lonely, instead of listening to some sad and heart-breaking songs, listen to some inspirational, motivational, and spiritual praise and worship songs. Doing so would certainly shift your focus from your loneliness into GOD'S amazing love and grace. It would also help you realize how blessed you are to be born and alive in this wonderful world being loved by the most awesome and loving GOD JESUS CHRIST. My mom has greatly influenced me when it comes to godly living. She always sings praise and worship songs every morning after waking up and I imitated her. And, I was never wrong because singing to the LORD gives me so much joy and energy through the day. It uplifts my spirit and gives me hope, strength, inspiration, and motivation to carry out my tasks all throughout the day. It is like a morning boost for my spirit.

5. Read the Bible every day and night (Joshua 1:8).
Have you tried reading the Bible? If so, you maybe have noticed that reading it gives you joy too. It makes your heart jump and shout with gladness and gives your mind and heart peace. I have realized that reading the Bible makes JESUS happy and when you make Him happy, He will make you happy too because He is loving, kind, generous, and a rewarder of those who seek Him. Happiness is one of His rewards when you seek Him and His will in the Bible.

6. Obey GOD’S commands or GOD’S Words (Luke 11:28).
The LORD JESUS said in Luke 11:28 that happy are those who have heard GOD'S Words and obey them. This is one of the secrets to overcoming loneliness and staying happy. The LORD has summarized His commands into two: love the LORD and love your neighbor. When we obey that, we will be happy. When we love the LORD above all other priorities we have, He will be happy and since He is a rewarder and that He has a covenant with our ancestors that if we obey Him, He will bless us, He will make us happy eventually.

7. Make loving and glorifying JESUS your purpose.
A life without purpose is meaningless. Our purpose mainly here on earth is to glorify JESUS (Isaiah 43:7). What does glorify mean? According to the dictionary, to glorify means to make GOD happy. We can make GOD happy when we love and obey Him. Obedience to Him is one good way of loving and glorifying Him. He said in John 14:15 that if we love Him we should obey His commands. When we focus on making JESUS happy by obeying His commands and making Him a priority, we will be happy too and all loneliness will be wiped out since He is righteous and just and a rewarder too. He will reward those who love, glorify and obey Him. Trust me glorifying or making JESUS happy as your purpose will certainly make you happy too because I have tried it myself. I was drowning in the ocean of loneliness and depression before but after reading the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Pastor Rick Warren, I have realized that pleasing the LORD is my purpose so I followed it and gave my life to JESUS. I accepted JESUS as my GOD and committed myself to love, follow, and obey Him. Now I am enjoying His reward. His gift of love, sweet company, joy, and peace. So make the first step now, check your purpose and make loving and glorifying JESUS your purpose and you'll be happy. You can glorify Him by prioritizing Him, singing songs of praise to Him, worshiping Him, talking to Him frequently, thanking Him, reading the Bible, doing what the Bible says, and sharing the gospel to others. Loving others is one way of glorifying Him too. Loving others include being kind, humble, generous, helpful, and forgiving.

In conclusion, we can overcome loneliness and depression by submitting ourselves to Jesus. First, you need to believe and accept Him as your GOD and have a loving relationship with Him. You should also ask for JESUS' forgiveness and repent from your sins. You should pray to Him always too, sing and listen to praise and worship songs. Not just that, you also need to read the Bible day and night, obey His commands and make loving and glorifying Him your purpose. Thank you so much, my dear reader for reading this blog post. I hope and pray that the LORD JESUS will reveal Himself to you and guide you as you journey to overcoming loneliness and depression. I love you with the love of the LORD. LORD JESUS, thank You so much for helping me write this piece. I love You, LORD. All glory, honor, thanksgiving, and highest praises are Yours, LORD. Amen.


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