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Showing posts from November, 2018

JESUS brought heaven to me

According to Revelation 21:4, "Heaven" is a place where there is no more death, mourning, and pain for our LORD JESUS CHRIST will wipe away every tear from our eyes. Let us check this verse in Revelation 7:17 which say, “ For the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Imagine living in heaven with our Mighty GOD JESUS CHRIST and being lavished by His love forever, that would splendid! If I didn't willfully committed myself to seeking, loving, and obeying JESUS, I might not have tasted the splendor  of heaven in His loving presence; because  all those verses I have mentioned above were unknown to me before. I didn’t exactly believe in it because I wasn’t sure if they are true or not. I didn’t expect before that JESUS is real, that He really exists, was resurrected and He lives with us now until one day I found myself longing for His presence, seek...

Seven reasons why we should love and obey JESUS

You might have not heard and read JESUS’ first commandment in the Bible that is to love Him (Matthew 22:37 -38). I understand you for that. That is why I wrote this article for you to increase your knowledge about JESUS and to help strengthen your faith and devotion to Him. I suggest that you read your Bible, ask JESUS to guide you, and communicate with Him often for you to know Him welI. I myself personally am convinced that we should love JESUS because I know He is good and He has been good to me and my family ever since I was a kid. So I trust, love, and obey Him. Listed here below are eight reasons why we should love and obey JESUS. 1. He is our One True Living God, Creator, and Savior. It is said in 1 John 5:20 that JESUS CHRIST is our True GOD. He is our Creator, check this verse in Colossians 1:16 which say, " For by Him all things were created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalit...

Eight secrets to answered prayers

It is such a wonderful feeling when our prayers are answered. Thus, as much as possible, we  want all our prayers to be answered so that we will feel victorious and loved. So, what are the secrets to answered prayers? Here they are: 1. Believe and accept JESUS as your GOD and SAVIOR. The first step to answered prayers is, of course, to believe in JESUS as your GOD and accept Him in your heart as your master, best friend, and SAVIOR. Also, you should believe in everything that JESUS said in the Bible as true. If you are an unbeliever who wants to believe and accept JESUS now, kindly pray this simple prayer: LORD JESUS, I believe that You exists and You are real. I believe that You are the One True Living GOD. Thank You for Your great love for me. Thank You for dying on the cross just to save me from sin and hell. Please forgive me for all my sins. Please forgive me from doubting You. Please cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come ...

10 reasons why we should trust in JESUS

If you are still confused about your faith and still in doubt of JESUS and His great love for us or still want to know JESUS more, you should pray that He will establish and strengthen your faith because He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Then, read and memorize these reasons I have listed below by heart. Here are the ten reasons why we should trust in JESUS: 1. He is real and He lives.   Hebrews 11:6 says that JESUS exists and He is real. Also, in Revelation 1:17 -18, He told His disciple John that He lives and He is the Living GOD. So, we should believe that all He said are true, because once we do; we will experience His lavish love for us like VIPs. Not just that, we will also have eternal life and live with Him eternally in heaven. If you believe that He is real, please pray this simple prayer sincerely: LORD JESUS, I believe that You exists and You are real. I believe that You are the One True Living GOD. Thank You for Your great lo...

What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?

Have you experienced speaking or singing in a strange different language while in the middle of a Sunday worship? Me, I have experienced it once because I didn’t understand the meaning of it fully yet before. Now that I found some biblical explanations about it, I am more open to experience it again. Based on my biblical research, speaking in strange tongues is not bad. It is a way of communicating to JESUS by means of the Holy Spirit. It is speaking in a different language that you don’t understand to bless, edify, and build you and the congregation. And, it is a spiritual gift that benefits the kingdom of JESUS (1 Corinthians 12:10 ). Remember in Acts 2:1-4, it says, “ When the day of Pentecost   came, they were all together   in one place.     Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.   They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of th...

What is JESUS’ will for us?

I spent my life looking for answers on what is JESUS’ will for me and what should I do with my life. I yearn for a happy, content and fulfilled life and I have this deep longing inside me for a better purpose. Until one night, while I was praying JESUS revealed to me His will. He told me that His will is to save us because He loves us so much. Check this verse in  1 Timothy 2:3-4 which say, “This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Since JESUS’ ultimate will is to save us, He wants us to receive His gift of salvation. We first have to believe that He died on the cross to save us from hell and sin. We should as well make a firm decision to turn away from sin and obey Him. Then we should establish a loving and faithful relationship with Him above others. Take note of this verse in Matthew 22:37-38 which say, “ And he said to him,   “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with a...

A wonderful message from the LORD JESUS

Have a good day! I hope all is fine with you. Another year has passed and you are still there trying to figure out what life is. Life is hard I know. I know you have been meaning to ask me about your messy life and why you seemed trapped by your troubles. You also question why things happen the way it is. You should never worry because I love you and will never abandon you. I know life has been good to you more often but you have forgotten to thank Me. Life alone is the best gift from Me, and you should thank Me for it. I have been good to you but you have forgotten Me and abandoned me like a homeless child. My child, do not be consumed by the world’s standards and do not bother to please the world because they will never be. I love you, do not ever forget that. I have formed you in your mother's womb with a plan to give you heaven, the most amazing place I have ever prepared for you but Satan destroyed it. Do not worry I am still patient with you. But the time comes when ...