If you desire to please JESUS, then you are guided by the Holy Spirit and so you are on the right track. Consider this verse in 2 Corinthians 5:9, “ So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.” So, how can we please our loving God and Savior JESUS CHRIST? 1. Have faith in Him. First, in order to please JESUS, we need to have faith. This is written in Hebrews 11:6, “ No one can please God without faith; for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him. ” So, what is faith then? Hebrews 11:1 defines faith here is the verse, “ Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ” Now, what do we hope for? We hope that JESUS will come again and will take us to heaven where there is no more pain and wailing. We are assured of the fact that JESUS died for us 2,000 years ago to save us from sin. And, we believe that even if we do not see Him, He is al...
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