A few months ago, I have
encountered this verse in Galatians 5:16 which says, “But I say,
walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Then,
earlier today, I remembered it and decided to write an article about it for
this blog. So, I asked the LORD JESUS what is the meaning of walking in the
Spirit. His reply was this, “It means, you live according to My laws and
commands, in other words, you obey all my commands because I am the Spirit that
gives life and blessings like hope, peace, sound mind, good health, and eternal
life when you obey Me.” He added that we should abide in Him as He said in John
15:4 this, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of
itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in
The LORD JESUS also told
me that we should imitate Him and follow His steps, attitude, and character as
1 John 2:6 reminds us with this, “the one who says he abides in Him ought
himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.” So, we should walk in love as JESUS did. He loved us so much
that He died as a propitiation for our sins. Also, for us to be saved and
inherit the kingdom of heaven and live eternally there with Him. Let us
consider this Bible verse found in Ephesians 5:2 which says, “and
walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an
offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Therefore,
let us walk in love as the LORD JESUS commanded us to love Him first and our
neighbors as ourselves as found in Matthew 22:37-39.
However, you might ask
how can we show our love for the LORD JESUS and our neighbors? The answer
is simple. We should live according to JESUS' purpose for creating us. He
created us to glorify Him (Isaiah 43:7). Glorifying Him should be our purpose.
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, glory means heavenly happiness.
Therefore we should prioritize the LORD JESUS' happiness. If we do that, we are
also, prioritizing our neighbors' happiness. It's like hitting two birds with
one stone. Now, what makes the LORD JESUS' happy? He is happy when we love and
obey Him. Thus, it is vital to read the Bible so that we will know the LORD
JESUS' commands and so we can obey it.
If you are not a
believer and follower of JESUS yet, please pray this sinner's prayer so you can
establish a relationship with Him and fulfill your purpose of glorifying Him:
love You. I believe that You love me too by dying on the cross and rising
again on the third day to save me from sin. I want to be close to You,
LORD and obey You. Please forgive me from all sins and cleanse me from all
my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come into my heart and be
my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank You, LORD. Amen.
If you have prayed
that sinner's prayer sincerely, please attend church services in a Born-again
Christian Pentecostal or Baptist church and be baptized. Also, acquire a Bible
and read it day and night and have fellowship with good and loving Christians.
If you are a Christian already, keep the faith and continue loving and obeying
the LORD. Don't forget that walking in the Spirit means loving and obeying the
LORD JESUS. I love You, thank You for taking the time reading this article. May
Our Great GOD JESUS CHRIST bless you with good health, peace of mind, and
happiness. And, may He give you a humble, teachable, and obedient heart. God
bless to your Christian journey. To the LORD JESUS, thank You LORD for guiding
me as I write this piece. May You be glorified and honored highly by this
piece. I love You.
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