you ever wondered why the LORD JESUS died for our sins? It is because
He wanted to bring us to the Father and reconcile our broken relationship
with GOD. If you want to know the importance of having a relationship
with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then this article is for you. But before
that, let us understand the meaning of having a relationship with
CHRIST. Having a relationship with CHRIST means you have made a
conscious decision to stop sinning or repent from your sins and love
Him and your neighbors as well. It also means you spend time communicating with
Him, worshiping Him, praising Him, and most of all obeying His
commands or doing the things that please Him. CHRIST'S primary
concern is to love us so He wanted us to love Him too as said in
Hosea 6:6 that He desires love and not sacrifice; the knowledge of
GOD and not burnt offerings. So why do we need to love CHRIST? We
need to love Him and have a relationship with Him because that is one
way of fulfilling our purpose of glorifying Him (Isaiah 43:7) and
that is also His first and greatest commandment so, we should obey
it. Let us check this verse in Matthew 22:37-38 which say, “Jesus
replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and
greatest commandment.”
Now, listed here below are the importance of having a relationship
with CHRIST.
When you have nothing, He is your Provider.
is written in Philippians 4:19 that the LORD JESUS will provide all
our needs according to His riches in glory. So we should believe and
hold on to this verse because the LORD is faithful and He keeps His
promises. When my father died in 2013, we lack money for his burial
expenses. But the LORD JESUS whispered to me and comforted me saying,
“don’t worry I will help you and provide for you.” So I trusted
Him and He indeed provided the whole amount of money for the
expenses. He touched other people’s hearts like my relatives and
friends so we can raise the needed money. God is indeed our Greatest
Provider all we have to do is pray and tell Him our need, trust,
listen, seek, and He will provide.
When you are sad, He is your Comforter.
times in my life have I become sad because of different reasons. But
I always find comfort in the LORD. I just pray and tell Him I am sad
and He comforts me. For example, when we have a disagreement with my
husband, the LORD will just tell me to forgive seventy times seven.
When you have a problem, He is your problem solver.
LORD JESUS said in His Words in James 5:13 that if we are in trouble,
we should pray. He said that because He wants to solve our problems
and lighten our loads. He even reminded me when I tried to control my
thoughts so I won't sin. He said, "don't try to solve your
problems on your own. You should give them to me because only Me has
the power to change your situation. Oh what a loving GOD, the LORD
JESUS is. He is indeed worthy of our praise and devotion.
When you are tired you can find rest for your weary soul in Him.
LORD JESUS offered His life for us. He said in Matthew 11:28-30 that
all who are tired should come to Him because He will give you rest
for He is gentle in Spirit and the yoke He will give you is easy and
His burden is light. This promise is very true. Since I became a born
again Christian and committed myself to love JESUS, all my problems
are gone. He has healed my broken heart and He removed my heavy
lonesome feeling and replaced it with love, joy, and peace.
When you are in danger He is your Protector.
is written in Psalms 91:9-10 that if you make the Most High your
dwelling, no harm will befall you and no disaster will come near your
tent. This verse is very true. I have experienced many dangerous
situations in my life like being hit by a truck but the LORD saved
me. He is indeed our Greatest Protector.
When you are sick, He is your Healer.
LORD JESUS has promised to restore the health of those who are sick
in Jeremiah 30:17. This verse is also very true. The LORD has healed
the hole in my left lung, my broken heart, my depression, and my
schizophrenia. He is our Mighty Deliverer and Greatest Healer. We
just have to pray and trust in Him and hold on to His promises.
When you are confused, He is your Adviser and peace-giver.
is said in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that the LORD is not the author of
confusion but of peace. This is also very true. The LORD has cleared
all my confusions and has given me peace. And, every time I am
confused I just call on His Mighty Name LORD JESUS CHRIST and ask Him
to clear out my confusion and teach me what to do and He gives me
peace and wise advise which in turn make me glad. Oh, thank You so
much LORD JESUS for healing me and giving me peace. I owe You my
entire life. I will do everything you want!
When you need guidance, He is your teacher.
LORD has spent His precious time teaching our ancestors before about
the things they should do to be saved. He even gave us the guide to
life which is the Bible. He is the Source of all knowledge and wisdom
so when you think you need help on how something is done, just ask
the LORD JESUS to help you. I always do that when I make a video and
write my blog I always ask Him what to say and what to write and He
teaches me.
9.) You will be saved. When you received CHRIST in your heart and have decided to believe and love Him wholeheartedly, He will give you rest and save you from all your mistakes and lets you have peace, joy, and love. When you have a closer relationship with Him, He will promise you eternal life in heaven which means you will be saved from the eternal damnation in hell.
all these being said, I hope you have realized how important it is to
have a relationship with our GOD and SAVIOR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Let us not waste our LORD'S sacrifice for us, let us love Him and have a relationship with Him. Start a relationship with Him now by believing and accepting Him as
your GOD and SAVIOR and praying this sinner’s prayer sincerely:
- My dearest LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe that You are the One and Only True Living GOD. Thank You for loving me, for dying on the cross and rising again on the third day just to save me from sin and hell. Please forgive me from all my sins and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come into my heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank You, LORD. I love You. Amen.
you have prayed that sinner's prayer sincerely, please attend church
services in a Bible-based church. Also please spend time reading the Bible and obey it and
always pray to the LORD JESUS for guidance. Make loving Him your
purpose and you'll be blessed. I love you with the love of the LORD.
Thank you for reading. If ever you need help in your Christian
journey please feel free to leave a comment below. Please don't
forget to share this good news with your friends, neighbors, and
family members. I love you with the love of the LORD. May He bless
you and encourage you to come to Him and obey Him for He will reward
you with eternal life in heaven if you do that. To the LORD JESUS,
thank you for revealing to me that You are our True Living GOD and
thank You for inspiring me to write this article. Thank You also,
LORD, for giving me the wisdom and knowledge so I can write this article. I love
You, LORD. Amen.
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