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JESUS changed my life

I have heard from various people before that after they came to JESUS and decided to follow Him, their lives have changed. They become happy and have a sense of purpose. I was so interested. And of course, I eagerly wanted to experience that positive change in my life too. So I prayed to JESUS and told Him that I wanted a closer relationship with Him. I asked Him to please let me belong to a Christian congregation and heal me with my broken heart, depression, and schizophrenia. And fortunately, after one month of prayer, JESUS answered me.

I met our pastor’s wife Elizabeth and she invited me to attend church service at their church. She was so kind, warm, and welcoming. I was so happy for at last my prayers were answered. I started attending church service every Sunday and I felt welcomed at the church. The members are kind, helpful, loving and are not judgmental. And so I thanked JESUS for answering my prayer and at last giving me a congregation where I became part of. introduced me to JESUS and discipled me. She lets me pray the sinner’s prayer and then I accepted CHRIST as my LORD and Savior in August of 2012. The following year, I had my water baptism.

That same year 2013, our pastor told us single ladies in the church that if you want to marry, tell the LORD and ask Him to give you the man that matches your standards. Truly I prayed to JESUS and asked Him for a husband and then three days after, I met a man online and I felt that He is the man for me and so I asked a sign from the LORD that if He is the man for me He will come to the and marry me. The LORD answered my sign the next year 2014; he came to the and proposed marriage to me. So we got married in June of 2104. Oh, what an awesome GOD JESUS is! He is indeed good (Nahum 1:7) and He answers our prayers when we call Him (Jeremiah 33:3).

JESUS did not only give me a good husband but He as well healed me from my schizophrenia, depression, broken heart, and the hole in my left lung. He gave me so much joy and peace. He removed all my inequities, insecurities, worries, fears, and anxieties. He guided me everyday and always helps me with all my troubles. He never left me. On the other hand, I noticed that I am more caring and loving now. I am more patient and I don’t judge people easily anymore. I become more understanding and tolerant and I don’t easily get offended or hurt. I become more aware of the consequences of sin and I can now discern right from wrong hence, I can avoid committing sin.

With the help of JESUS, I have a stronger and increased faith now. I can control the desires of the flesh and I know how to listen to the voice of JESUS already. And, I walk with Him every moment of my life now. I always consult Him about all the moves and decisions I make. I already know how to ask wisdom, knowledge, and guidance from Him. I now know how to humble down and value others better than myself (Philippians 2:3). I know how to be kind and more forgiving. I become more indulgent and less apprehensive. I always make sure now that I don’t despise others but appreciate them instead. I am more content now with what I have.

By JESUS’ loving grace, I am more obedient to Him now. I now have a clear purpose. I am rooted and guided by the right principles and wisdom of JESUS in the Bible. And most of all, I have a closer relationship with Him now. I now trust in His timing and I rely more on His guidance and help every day. Moreover, I don’t experience writer’s block anymore. The LORD has helped me write this blog and He made all the information comes out of my mind naturally. He has given me knowledge and wisdom. All glory, honor, highest praises and thanksgiving all belong to Him for helping me with all I do especially in writing this article.

I hope you will be inspired to come to JESUS too and experience His great love, grace, goodness, and mercy. Truly, this verse in 2 Corinthians which say, “therefore if anyone is in CHRIST, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” is indeed true. God bless my dear reader. I pray that you will trust and believe in JESUS too and realize how blessed is a life renewed by Him. I also hope that you will be happy with your walk with Him too. I love you with the love of JESUS. Amen.


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