people mistreat, abuse, belittle, ignore, lie, oppress and insult us
we become angry and sometimes when we are jealous we are angry too.
There are also times that we get angry when others reject and ignore
a good biblical advice from us. Those are just some reasons that
trigger us to be angry.
angry is normal but the Bible says that we can be angry but shall not
sin as reflected in this verse in Ephesians
4:26-27 AMPC, “When
angry do not sin; do not let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury
or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no (such) room or
foothold for the devil (give no opportunity to him).”
what are the five biblical ways that we should do when we are angry
so that we will not sin? Here they are:
Calm down and control your anger.
7:9 says, “Control
your temper for anger labels you a fool.” Don’t
swear at the other person’s face or go directly to him/her and
yell, slap his/her face, or worst, punch, stab or shoot him. No, you
shouldn't do that. You should control your temper. You should pause,
pray silently and ask the LORD JESUS to help you control your anger
at that very moment when you are about to explode.
Ignore your anger and walk away.
4:31 says, “Let
all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor and evil speaking
be put away from you, with all malice.” It
means we should ignore and reject all anger and wrath from inside
us. We should forget about it and walk away as if nothing happens to
save ourselves from more trouble and to maintain our peace.
Romans 12:18 reminds us to be at peace with everyone. We
should not nourish anger inside our hearts. When I am angry I tell
myself, “Jen, don’t be angry about things that don’t matter
focus on JESUS and your relationship with Him.” So, when you are
angry, try telling that to yourself too.
Humble down, do not retaliate or get even.
how JESUS, responded to His perpetrators? He didn’t say a word. He
just bore His suffering and endured it until His death. We should
follow what JESUS did too. This verse in Romans 12:19 clearly give
us the idea of what to do when we are angry. It says, “Do
not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath,
for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"
says the Lord.”
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