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Things to do so that JESUS will draw near to you

I am one of the living witnesses of JESUS’ great love for us. JESUS has healed me of my tuberculosis, my broken heart, my depression, my insomnia, and my schizophrenia. He has given me peace and joy. He has accompanied me and we talked to each other every day ever since I was healed from schizophrenia in July 2016. In other words, JESUS and I have a good loving and faithful relationship as friends and as Father and daughter.

Having a close relationship with our Creator JESUS CHRIST is the most satisfying and pleasing experience of my life. Every day is a happy day because the LORD is with me counseling me, teaching me, communicating with me and simply lavishing me with His great love. All my heartaches and pains are gone now and are replaced with love, peace, and joy and I want to thank and praise the LORD JESUS for that.

Whenever I think of JESUS’ great love for me I also think of others who are not yet saved who doesn’t have a close relationship with Him and have not experienced the joy of having the LORD in their lives. I felt sorry for them and I have this aching desire in my heart to lead them to JESUS too so that they will be guided, saved, and live joyful and peaceful lives. I know how hard life is when we face it all alone trying to figure things out and solve problems on our own that is why I want others especially unbelievers to experience the love of CHRIST in their lives.

Because of my aching desire to lead people to CHRIST, I asked JESUS the other day about the things that a person should do so that He will draw near to him/her. Do you want to know what JESUS’ reply is? He said, “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.” His reply is so biblical it is found in James 4:8 which say, “Draw near to GOD and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”  It means we should draw near to JESUS, turn from our sins and love Him.

Here are the things that we should do so that JESUS will draw near to us:

1. Believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR
If you want that JESUS will draw near to you, you should believe and accept Him first as your LORD and SAVIOR. This is the first step. You need to come to Him praying this simple prayer:

LORD JESUS, I believe that You are our One True GOD. Thank
You for dying on the cross to save me from sin and hell. Please
forgive me from all my sins LORD. Please cleanse me from
all my unrighteousness. I repented my sins. Please come into
my heart and be my LORD and SAVIOR. I love You LORD.

2. Repent from your sins
Repentance means turning from your sins and turning to JESUS as your new master. You are not a slave of sin anymore but a slave of JESUS. It means forgetting your old wicked ways and loving and obeying JESUS commands instead. JESUS looks at the heart. A sincere and repentant heart will surely draw HIM near to you.

3. Make glorifying JESUS your purpose
 When you change your focus and your purpose into glorifying JESUS, you will certainly experience a pleasant change in your life and JESUS will draw near to you.

4. Commit to love JESUS and praise Him continually
JESUS commanded us to love Him above all else as found in this verse in Matthew 22:37 which says, “And he said to HIM, “You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Guided by this verse, we need to make sure that we are committed to loving JESUS first above all else. We can prove our love to Him by obeying Him and keeping His commands. One good way of expressing our love for Him is by praising and giving Him thanks. When our hearts and mouth overflow with praise and thanksgiving, JESUS is pleased and He will draw near to us.

5. Take JESUS seriously
Exodus 20:7 reminds us that we should not use the name of GOD in vain so we should take JESUS seriously. He wants us to love Him with all our hearts and mind. He doesn’t take a half-hearted love and attention. He needs all of our devotion and affection.

6. Pray constantly to JESUS and spend more time talking to Him
Praying is listening and talking with JESUS. He wants to reveal Himself to us and talk to us through prayer. Praying is the best way to draw near to JESUS. So we should spend more time praying as JESUS reminded us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing”.  Since we want JESUS to draw near to us and we want to experience His great love and the joy and peace of loving Him we should spend more time praying, talking to Him about anything and listening to His voice and counsel.

7. Read the Bible day and night
Joshua 1:8 reminds us that we should read the Bible day and night and do whatever is written in it so we will be prosperous and successful. Reading the Bible draws us closer to CHRIST as we discover His loving characteristics. Knowing Him leads to a closer relationship with Him so we should spend more time reading the Bible.

8. Apply and obey the commands written in the Bible
Just merely reading the Bible without understanding and obeying the things written in it is like taking shower without using soap. It is useless. So it is important that you step-up and decide to change your old sinful lifestyle, learn from the Bible some new knowledge and wisdom and apply it to your daily undertakings and decision-making. We should live obediently to JESUS because it pleases Him and He will draw near to us if we do.

9. Attend church service at a Bible-based church
The moment you repent and accept CHRIST, heaven celebrates and the LORD will send you His Holy Spirit to guide you. The Holy Spirit will convict your heart and lead you to a Bible-based church where you will be taught about JESUS and how you should react properly in every situation in a godly and loving way. A Bible-based church is a perfect place for you to learn and share your faith and testimony with other believers. These believers can help you increase and strengthen your faith as they influence you with their wisdom and values.

10. Be baptized
Water baptism is part of our Christian journey. So, once you have accepted CHRIST, have believed in Him truly and have been attending Sunday church service, then you should consider being baptized. Approach your pastor and tell him you are ready for water baptism. Baptism is a sign of JESUS forgiveness of our sins, death of our old sinful self and the resurrection of our new clean Spirit. Once we are baptized we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) and it means JESUS is drawing near to us.

God bless dear readers. I hope you will come near to JESUS and do the things I have listed above. You will never regret if you approach the LORD with praise and thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4) and have a closer relationship with Him. Surely, you will experience a lavish love, peace, joy and a desirable change in your life if you do. I love you with the love of JESUS. 


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