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Showing posts from April, 2019

10 important reasons why we need to read and obey the Bible

Hi there, my dear reader! I f you are a Christian and a devout believer of JESUS CHRIST, you maybe are reading the Bible daily. However, if you are not a believer yet, you might be finding some reasons why some people believe it is important to read and obey the Bible. Whoever you are I am telling you that it is very important to read and obey the Bible. Here are the reasons why: 1.) It is the Word of GOD and it is truth. John 17:17 tells us that the Word of GOD is truth. So if you are in doubt if the things written in the Bible are true it is now time to reject all your doubts and replace it with belief, acceptance, and obedience. 2.) It is our guide to life and living. Psalms 119:105 says Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It means the Bible contains all of the LORD JESUS’ important instructions to us that will help us live life better. In the Bible, we can find helpful pieces of advice on how to deal with problems, persecutions, a...

The godly secret to achieving peace

Achieving peace sometimes seems impossible especially when we face seemingly insurmountable trials and problems. We lose our peace when we are suffering from a heartbreaking situation, failures, oppression, maltreatment, and rejection. These situations grab our peace leaving us confused, distressed, discouraged, and restless. Also, most of the time we lose our peace when something is bothering or troubling us. In the Bible, however, there are two people who lost their peace because of sin and guilt. King Saul lost his peace when he sinned against the LORD by disobeying the LORD'S command to kill all the Amalekites. He spared the leader of the Amalekites and some of their flocks to be used as a sacrifice for GOD. So GOD gave King Saul a psychological illness giving him no peace (1 Samuel 15-16). Another man who lost his peace because of guilt is Judas Iscariot one of the LORD JESUS' disciples who betrayed Him. Judas lost his peace and was highly troubled after he b...

The importance of having a relationship with CHRIST

Have you ever wondered why the LORD JESUS died for our sins? It is because He wanted to bring us to the Father and reconcile our broken relationship with GOD. If you want to know the importance of having a relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then this article is for you. But before that, let us understand the meaning of having a relationship with CHRIST. Having a relationship with CHRIST means you have made a conscious decision to stop sinning or repent from your sins and love Him and your neighbors as well. It also means you spend time communicating with Him, worshiping Him, praising Him, and most of all obeying His commands or doing the things that please Him. CHRIST'S primary concern is to love us so He wanted us to love Him too as said in Hosea 6:6 that He desires love and not sacrifice; the knowledge of GOD and not burnt offerings. So why do we need to love CHRIST? We need to love Him and have a relationship with Him because that is one way of fulfilling our pu...

Two important remarks you will hear from JESUS during Judgment

It is clearly stated in the Bible that it is appointed for men to die once and after that, he must face judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Also, 2 Corinthians 5:10 says this, " For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." Now, what are the two important remarks we will hear from CHRIST when we face Him in the Judgment? Here they are: 1.) Well done good and faithful servant! The LORD JESUS told a parable of the bags of gold which is likened to the kingdom of heaven. It is written in Matthew 25:23 that the Master who entrusted five bags of gold to His servant was pleased because the servant put his money to work and gained another five bags so He said this to His servant, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” In addition, Matthew‬ ...