recently, the LORD JESUS reminded me that I should stop sinning and
obey and fear Him because He can kill both my body and soul in hell
(Matthew 10:28). He said I should love Him and others wholeheartedly.
And, love He said, should be expressed with actions or good deeds. He
added that faith alone is useless without works. But sometimes I
missed doing the things the LORD requires me to do and I feel sad and
I felt His Spirit leave me. So, in order for me to stay happy, I
asked the LORD what are the things that would make Him happy. Here
are His answers:
- He is happy when you appreciate the things He has done for you.When the LORD JESUS answers your prayer, you should appreciate Him. For example He has saved you in a car accident, then express your wholehearted appreciation to Him.
- He is happy when you thank Him for all He has done for you.Every day, we should give thanks to the LORD JESUS for giving us life, peace, sound mind, comfort, joy, and strength.
- He delights in revealing himself to us.The LORD JESUS wants to reveal Himself to us. Let us meditate on this verse in John 14:21 which say, “Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them." See, He said I will love them and reveal myself to them. Isn't it great? Therefore, we should seek, love, and obey Him so that He will reveal Himself to us. And that revelation causes so much love, comfort, peace, and joy. Trust me this is true.
- He is happy when we praise Him.When someone praises you, you feel good and you are delighted, right? Same is true with our LORD JESUS. He is happy when we praise Him. He is happy when you tell Him you are awesome LORD, You are so intelligent, creative, and artistic for You have created a very wonderful world and beautiful people. Today, as you look upon the beautiful sky with astounding clouds above you, try to praise the LORD JESUS for His majestic creation.
- He is happy when we sing praise and worship songs to Him.Hearing us sing songs of praise expressing our deep appreciation of how thankful we are for the great things the LORD JESUS has done for us makes Him glad. It is one way of expressing our worship, admiration, and deep longing to honor Him and be with Him in heaven as He has promised.
- He is happy when we believe and trust in Him or have faith in Him.Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith, it is impossible to please GOD. Therefore, faith is the foundation and the strongest basis if we are to please JESUS. We should first believe that He exists, He rewards those who earnestly seek Him, and accept His Words in the Bible as all true.
- He is happy when we proclaim His name in public and share the gospel with others.Imagine yourself on billboards and your name being mentioned always in every important social gatherings. Such gestures would make you happy, right? If we do that or if we proclaim the Lordship of our LORD JESUS in every way we can, He will be happy too. Not just because of fame but because everyone who gets to know Him, will be loved and saved.
- He is happy when we believe in His goodness.It is said in Nahum 1:7 that the LORD JESUS is good and a refuge in times of trouble. If we believe in that verse wholeheartedly, even if you are a new believer, He will be glad and happy and will bless you abundantly. He will also increase your faith by answering your prayers. Therefore, believe that the LORD JESUS is good and He will prove it to you that you are never wrong and will never regret for believing so.
- He is happy when we do good work, spend time knowing Him, have patience and give thanks to Him.Let us meditate on these verses found in Colossians 1:10-12 which say, “We’re praying this so that you can live lives that are worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him in every way: by producing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God; by being strengthened through his glorious might so that you endure everything and have patience; and by giving thanks with joy to the Father.”
- He is happy when we love Him.Loving JESUS is expressed by spending time in His presence talking to Him, listening to His voice, thanking and praising Him, reading and contemplating His Word in the Bible, obeying His commandments in the Bible, submitting to His will, and turning away from sin by being submissive to His will. Therefore let us all read the Bible day and night to know and obey His commands.
- He is happy when we obey Him.Nothing makes the LORD JESUS happier than our obedience to His will and commandments. If you already have a relationship with Him, you will notice that when He says something and you obey it, He is happy but if you disobey, He is sad. Therefore, let us always make every effort to please Him by obeying His commands and submitting to His divine will.
- He is happy when we communicate with Him.The LORD JESUS is happy when we pray and talk to the Him like our most trusted best friend and LORD. When we share our inner thoughts with Him, consult Him of our plans, and include Him in all our activities or seek His guidance and wise counsel in every decision we make, He is happy because it shows we trust in Him and rely in His goodness, mercy, and great love for us.
- He is happy when we love others (do good & help them).Hence, the LORD JESUS' second commandment in Matthew 22:39 is to love our neighbors, it would surely make Him happy if we do it because our LORD is a GOD of love and relationship. He wants us to love others as much as He has loved us.
- He is happy when we fear Him.Let us meditate on this verse in Psalm 147:11 which say, “But the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His steadfast love.”
- He is happy when we humble down, acknowledge that we have sinned and repent from our sins.Our LORD JESUS' greatest will is to save us. And, salvation cannot happen without repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Therefore, let us all turn away from sin and accept His calling of love and divine service to Him which will surely lead to our salvation.
- He is happy when we draw near to Him.Our GOD is a good and loving GOD. He wants us to draw near to Him. He wants us to love and glorify Him. He wants us all to be members of His divine family in heaven. Therefore let us seek Him and draw closer to Him.
- He is happy when we honor Him.When we esteem the LORD JESUS' name and goodness highly and publicly, He is happy because He deserves to be acknowledged, recognized, and given thanks. Why? Because He is our Most High GOD and without Him, we are nothing. He is the One that sustains our lives and maintains every life here on earth. Therefore let us honor Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds. Let us all be good and be like Him in every way as a sign of recognition for His great acts of love for us.
in all, let us always remind ourselves of this verse in 2 Corinthians
5:9 which say, “So we make it our goal to please
Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.” I
love my dear reader. May the LORD JESUS bless you and keep you. To
the LORD JESUS, thank You for believing in me and for giving me this
task Pa. I like it and I enjoy it with Your help and guidance. I love
You Papa JESUS. Mwahhh.
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