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Showing posts from October, 2018

JESUS changed my life

I have heard from various people before that after they came to JESUS and decided to follow Him, their lives have changed. They become happy and have a sense of purpose. I was so interested. And of course, I eagerly wanted to experience that positive change in my life too. So I prayed to JESUS and told Him that I wanted a closer relationship with Him. I asked Him to please let me belong to a Christian congregation and heal me with my broken heart, depression, and schizophrenia. And fortunately, after one month of prayer, JESUS answered me. I met our pastor’s wife Elizabeth and she invited me to attend church service at their church. She was so kind, warm, and welcoming. I was so happy for at last my prayers were answered. I started attending church service every Sunday and I felt welcomed at the church. The members are kind, helpful, loving and are not judgmental. And so I thanked JESUS for answering my prayer and at last giving me a congregation where I became part of. in...

Top four truths about JESUS

In our search for the real GOD, it is important to know our real God and Savior JESUS CHRIST who is the foundation, author, and finisher of our faith   (Hebrews 12:2). The LORD JESUS said in Hosea 6:6 that He desires that our knowledge of Him will grow. Actually, if we know JESUS and worship Him as our One True Living GOD, He will be happy and when He is happy He will reward us in many ways that would make us happy too. Happiness comes from knowing and obeying JESUS and submitting to His lordship too (Psalm 112:1). So start knowing JESUS more now so you’ll be happy. Listed here below are the simple living truths in the Bible that prove who JESUS is. 1. JESUS is our One True Living GOD. It is written in 1 John 5:20 that JESUS is our One True God. Here’s what it says,  “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eterna...

Ten important promises of JESUS CHRIST

It is so comforting to know that JESUS, our One True Living GOD who is truthful and faithful and even powerful has promised to never leave us and will always be there for us whatever happens. Every day when we wake up, we should remind ourselves of these ten important promises of JESUS in the Bible so that we can overcome all challenges that may come our way. Not just that, we can also feel loved, guided, and comforted knowing that the LORD JESUS is always faithful and keeps every promise He makes. Here are the 10 important promises of JESUS to us: 1. I will be with you. The LORD JESUS has promised us in Matthew 28:20 that He will be with us. Here is the verse , “and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.” Oh, what a consoling promise it is! LORD, thank you for this promise of companionship with us. Thank you that you will be with us and will never leave us. 2. I will protect you. It is written in ...