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How to love JESUS?

JESUS wants us to love Him. It is His first and greatest commandment found in Matthew 22:37-38. It says, “JESUS declared, “Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” It is the first and greatest commandment so it should be given importance in our hearts. Loving the LORD should be taken seriously because JESUS also pointed out in Hosea 6:6 that He wants our love and not burnt sacrifice. He wants a faithful and loving relationship with us more than anything else.

So, how can we love JESUS? Here is the answer, it is found in John 14:15. JESUS said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” We can show JESUS that we love Him by obeying all His commands that are to love Him and others including our enemies. The first step to loving JESUS is to believe in Him and accept Him as our LORD and SAVIOR. We are sure that we can accept and love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). He died on the cross just to save us from hell and to give us everlasting life in heaven with Him. Oh, what a very loving God worthy of our love and devotion. When we believe in JESUS as our One True GOD and believe that HE exists and a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him, He is pleased and it is one way of expressing our love to Him too.

Love can be best spelled with time, so we should give most of our time to JESUS. We should spend time communicating with Him in prayer. And, when we pray we should tell Him we love Him and His creation. We should also give thanks to Him in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It is said that there can be no love and relationship without communication. So, we should talk to JESUS on a daily basis. We should not just talk to Him causally but offer songs of praise for Him too especially after waking up in the morning. That's what I do after waking up; I pray and sing songs of praise to the LORD every morning. Psalms 100:2 says, “Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.”

Additionally, we can express our love for JESUS by making Him our priority. Check this verse in Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” JESUS demands that we should seek Him first above anything and anyone else. In all our decisions, we should make sure that it would not hurt JESUS' feelings that it is in congruence with His statutes and commands found in the Bible. We should make sure that all our thoughts, words and deeds would glorify CHRIST (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Love can be best given away through our actions (1 John 3:18). After committing our lives to JESUS, we can show our love for HIM by being completely good such as doing random acts of kindness, helping others, praying for others’ needs and sharing our gifts and blessings with them. We learn to be completely good by reading the Book of the Law or the Bible day and night (Joshua 1:8) so that we will be guided on what to do and how to react properly in every situation. It is also one way of expressing our love to JESUS when we read the Bible and put into practice everything that is written on it because it will please JESUS.

Lastly, we can show our love to the LORD by proclaiming His Name and His great love for us to others, especially to unbelievers so that they will know JESUS too. We should as well help spread the gospel of salvation and everything that is written in the Bible to everyone so we can lead them to CHRIST. Furthermore, we should attend church service and fellowship with other believers.

Love is about maintaining a relationship. As JESUS' love is constant and everlasting, our love for Him must also be constant and everlasting. We should not only draw near to Him when we are in trouble but we should come to Him at all times. In conclusion, we can love JESUS by obeying His commands that are to love Him, our neighbors and our enemies. We should also seek Him first and make Him our priority. We should see to it that we should glorify Him in all that we do. We can show our love for the LORD by being completely good and sharing the gospel with others and fellowshipping with them too. God bless! I hope this gives you an idea of how to love JESUS. I love you with the love of the LORD. 


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