Hi there my dear reader! I am back. How are you? I hope all is well with you. As an effort resulting from my deep appreciation for JESUS, I'd like to share this article with you about His birth in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. Please read on.
In the Book of Isaiah 9:6, it was predicted that GOD will be born of a virgin to save the world from sin in the name of Immanuel or JESUS. Matthew 1:23-25 say this, "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son,and they will call him Immanuel, which means `God is with us.'"When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named JESUS." After 42 generations from Abraham to David and to Joseph (the husband of Mary), JESUS, the Messiah, our LORD was born in the person of Immanuel. His earthly mother named Mary was informed by angel Gabriel that she will give birth to a son named JESUS who will save His people from sin. Mary was astonished because she was a virgin but the angel told her that the child that she will bear will be the son of GOD.
It happened also that Mary was engaged to her lover named Joseph. So Joseph wanted to break up with Mary secretly because she is already pregnant. But he is not the father of the child because all he knew was Mary was still a virgin. But an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream instructing Joseph to marry Mary because Mary's child is the Son of the Holy Spirit. When Joseph got up from sleeping, he did as the LORD's angel had commanded him. He married her but he did not had intercourse with her until she gave birth to a Son. By the way, JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judea in Israel. After JESUS' birth in Bethlehem, there were three kings who were from the east who visited him for they considered JESUS as King of the Jews. So they give him gifts like gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
By the way, the three wise men asked King Herod where JESUS is born but he did not know so the three wise men just followed the star that led them. And on their way back to their place, they were warned in the dream not to go back to Herod because Herod was planning to kill JESUS.
In this story, we can conclude that JESUS came to earth to save us but since we do not know Him, bad people like King Herod would like to kill Him. That's bad and we need to accept the fact that we need a Savior JESUS CHRIST to save us. I tell you having faith in JESUS is the most rewarding feeling ever because JESUS will be with you and you will be full of joy, love, and peace. GOD bless you my dear reader. I hope you will experience GOD'S peace and be aware of His great presence accompanied by His great love for you. I love you with the love of the LORD.
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