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Showing posts from June, 2018

13 secrets to hearing GOD’s voice that JESUS taught me

Believe me being a friend of JESUS, hearing His voice and communicating with Him every day is the best thing that ever happened to me. Why, because there is fullness of joy and overwhelming peace in the constant presence of JESUS. I did not expect that JESUS will reveal Himself to me, talk to me, accompany me and guide me every day. I can’t imagine that the Creator of the universe and my Maker made Himself available for me all the time. But, He did. He lavished me with His love, joy, and peace. So, what’s my secret to hearing JESUS’ voice then? In July of 2016 after JESUS healed me from schizophrenia and gave me insurmountable peace, I started hearing a different voice it is like a 10-year old boy’s voice. I asked the LORD why I am hearing a voice again. And He revealed to me that in the Old Testament, He talks with our ancestors like Moses and Abraham. That was the first assuring revelation JESUS told me. From then on, I started to believe that it is normal to hear GOD’s voi...

Best and the godly ways to move on from unrequited love that JESUS taught me

Oftentimes we fell in love with someone who does not love us back either because they are not interested in us or is already committed to someone else. This kind of situation is heartbreaking. And, it is hard for our minds and hearts to accept the truth that we are not loved back. We kept on expecting and hoping that someday the person we love will reciprocate the feeling we have for them. But, the more you hope and expect, the more you become hurt until one day you find the courage to tell yourself, ‘this is enough I have to move on’. So, what are the best and the godly ways to move on from unrequited love? Here they are: 1. Believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and Savior. This is the first step to moving on. By doing this, your focus is shifted from the person you love, to the LORD. If you are not a believer or a Christian yet, you should first believe and accept JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR. You can pray this prayer: “LORD JESUS, I believe that you are the On...

JESUS’ view on money

Most of the time, we think that the world revolves around money, wealth, and possessions. We often think that money will give us security. So, we tend to make acquiring money our priority. We believe that if we have money, people will respect us and esteem us high. Sometimes we sacrifice our own health just to have more money so we can buy the things that we desire and show those things off to everyone expecting to receive praise and adoration from them. We strive to be on the top above everyone else to maintain power, respect, and admiration because we are insecure deep inside and we are consumed by pride. But, the truth is security can only be found in a loving and faithful relationship with JESUS. When we have accepted JESUS and He lives in our hearts, our priorities, views, and life as a whole change. All our worries and insecurities are gone because JESUS will fill our hearts with love and thanksgiving.  On the contrary, most of us do not have a close relationship wi...