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Have you ever asked yourself who JESUS is? And, have you ever wondered if He is our GOD?  If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. By the way, I used to believe that the LORD JESUS is just the Son of GOD and not GOD Himself. But, after attending some church services in a Christian Pentecostal church in college, I started to question who the real GOD is and what is His Name. Fortunately, last night that question was answered and revealed to me by the LORD JESUS. As I was reading an article about baby JESUS on the Bible app for kids which is called Superbook, I ran across a verse found in 1 Corinthians 12:3 which says tbis, "So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse JESUS, and no one can say JESUS is LORD, except by the HOLY SPIRIT." We can learn from this Bible verse that JESUS is our One and Only True Living GOD. And, no one can confess that He is GOD except when the person is guided by the Holy Spirit. On the other han...
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The Gift of Salvation: The True Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and some people think Christmas is about receiving gifts. They think about the presents, the decorations, and the parties. They are missing out on what Christmas is really about. The true meaning of Christmas is the gift of salvation. It's about knowing that the world is full of despair and knowing that there is someone out there waiting to save you. It's about not being alone. It's about waiting for someone to come and show you the true meaning of Christmas. And only JESUS has made the biggest move to save us from all the troubles that we experience everyday. The true meaning of Christmas is the gift of salvation. This is the reason why the Christmas tree is decorated with evergreen and holly, because these plants represent eternal life. The Christmas tree is also decorated with other greenery because it represents the nature of the world. The Christmas tree is decorated with lights and ornaments, because they represent the light o...

How did JESUS become man

Hi there my dear reader! I am back. How are you? I hope all is well with you. As an effort resulting from my deep appreciation for JESUS, I'd like to share this article with you about His birth in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. Please read on. In the Book of Isaiah 9:6, it was predicted that GOD will be born of a virgin to save the world from sin in the name of Immanuel or JESUS. Matthew 1:23-25 say this, "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son,and they will call him Immanuel, which means `God is with us.'" When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named JESUS." After 42 generations from Abraham to David and to Joseph (the husband of Mary), JESUS, the Messiah, our LORD was born in the person of Immanuel. His earthly mother named Mary was informed by angel Gabriel that she will give birth to a son named JESUS wh...

Seven proofs that JESUS is GOD

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JESUS is good

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JESUS, the forgiving GOD

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What GOD likes and dislikes

While I was listening to the song "You are Holy (Prince of Peace)" by Michael W. Smith last month, I came across with the lyrics that says "You're the great I am". Upon hearing it, I forgot that the LORD is the Great "I AM" (Exodus 3:14) and I started doubting. But the LORD reminded me that it's Him and that I should not doubt Him because He dislikes a doubtful servant. So, to help you increase your knowledge of Him and know how to love Him, let me tell you the things that He likes and dislikes. Listed below are the things He likes and dislikes. 8 Things GOD likes 1. He likes us. It is said in John 3:16 that GOD loves the world. It means He loves or like us because we are His creations. He gave us His own breath for us to live. 2. He likes a cheerful giver. It is written in second 2 Corinthians 9:7 that GOD loves a cheerful giver. Therefore we should freely give and share whatever we have to our brothers and sisters that are ...